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  1. G

    AI Behavior suggestions?

    Hehe, a hand grenade that gave off the fat man explosion.
  2. G

    Easter egg armor

    How Ghouls are really made!
  3. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    Or it could get stuck on the spike! Lol.
  4. G

    AI Behavior suggestions?

    Another cool thing would be robbing people at gun point. If you have you weapon out you talk to the NPC and there would be an option that says something like "Give me all your caps, or you wont need them anymore!". This would be an alternative to killing the NPC and taking all of their...
  5. G

    [IDEA] New Companion

    With Braun as a companion you could have an option to make him hack a terminal or other stuff that requires the science skill.
  6. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    And even after that, you could change your mind and tell the Brotherhood/Enclave about the other group and their bombing plans and there could be a massive fight over Megaton.
  7. G

    AI Behavior suggestions?

    Perhaps if the player has attacked the NPC previously they would be more cautious around the player. Such as when the player is around they may look at them more often and draw their weapon.
  8. G


    Yes it was, and even in this universe there is talk of the NAU, the North American Union, so that may not be so far off from the truth.
  9. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    And Mr. Burke should approch you when you enter town, as the first time I did it I just went down and disarmed the bomb without even thinking about. Even when you do enter the saloon he is just sitting there, so you kinda need to be wanting to do it to even have the option.
  10. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    With using the global you would have a faster reload speed, at least I think so, but so would everyone else. Your not special if everyone else is too!
  11. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    Yeah, the outcasts would be quite interested in it. To blow up megaton you dont even need to drop it out of a plane.
  12. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    Yeah, not sure about this, but using SpeedMult might allow the speed of the character to be changed. Using energy cells is a good idea for sprints, but it should also just increase speed anyway.
  13. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    Damn, that sucks. Just looked through the GECK and there isnt a reload speed var. Weapons could be made more acurate though, due to the fact that with power armor you can pretty much hold completely still.
  14. G

    Factions (no good guys, bad guys)

    They steal small childeren and teach them that the other people are Super Mutants in disguise!
  15. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    I guess, but then the suit should give speed bonuses, like +50% speed to movement, reloading, and you can jump like twice as high.
  16. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    Haha, now that I would like to see!
  17. G

    Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

    A point about the US Exo is that if you were lifting something that was heavier than it could handle, a weightlifter inside the suit would also help lifting this extreemly heavy object, because they would just aid the motors. A better way would be the higher the strength of the player the less...
  18. G

    Join the F3C team; read the official design plans

    Yeah, I looked at the refrences on both sites. A bunch of the Falllout 3 commands are not documented though, which kinda sucks, but I did look around in the actual GECK too, at some scripts, and they dont look to complicated.
  19. G

    The rest of the world

    Well, I imagine that it would be sort of like the meteor that struck the planet eliminating the dinosaurs, the actual "boom" didn't kill people, it was the dust. There was immese dust storms and it blocked out the sun cauing there to be little light, this obviously was less substacial than that...
  20. G

    Join the F3C team; read the official design plans

    I am really new to the modding scene, but I have done game programming and would like to help out with the scripting if I can.