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  1. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    Yeah, at least raiders would be interested, after all they just like killing people pretty much, and they seem like the people who would like to see a nuke destroy an entire town.
  2. G

    [IDEA] The Stupid Project - ugg?

    Exactly, thats how stupid they are!
  3. G

    Factions (no good guys, bad guys)

    Raiders shooting people for no reason is kinda their whole purpose, but I agree, the factions are too cut and dry good and bad. The Slavers have slaves that really do nothing, its kinda like you get something then its Now what do i do? There should be certain towns where they allow slaves to be...
  4. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    Maybe they build a launcher for it? Like a giant Fat Man? Then the BOS or Enclave or whoever can launch it wherever they want, or make New Megaton if it doesnt detonate again!
  5. G

    [IDEA] The Stupid Project - ugg?

    It would be so funny to have such a retarded character that the NPCs pityed you and helped you out with stuff. Like for example when the Three Dog askes you to fix the radio transmitter have an option that is like "Whats a tower?" and have him be like "Well, arent you a special one. Since you...
  6. G

    Padding out The Power Of The Atom

    The reason that they didnt get rid of the bomb is because of those Church people, they needed the help from them to build the city and if they moved/disarmed the bomb they wouldn't help with the builing of Megaton. And seriously, some 18 year old person living in a hole their whole life, can...