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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Hm, worked ok for me and I've played through twice so far, is it on one particular path only ?
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Decided to play Blade Runner, Westwood adventure game from 1997. Pretty fun to play, it's a bit on the brief side, but has many different endings (think 13 is claimed, I've only really seen 4 so far). Also giving Anachronox a go, pretty funny game so far although I'm not a fan of the combat...
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    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    I get the feeling we'll talk to some Alien Overlord type being (hopefully not convince him to leave Earth alone via conversation though, given FO3)
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    Mothership Zeta screenshots and info

    Thankfully. Imagine the conversations you'd have with him :)
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    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    Nothing I hate more than the argument you're religiously devoted to something just because you care about it more than someone. Sort of a "Heh, nerds" shot. Fallout was 50's not 60's, and just because something was big in the 50's doesn't mean it'll fit in the game's universe (or will the Klan...
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    Mothership Zeta screenshots and info

    Maybe they abducted the VD.
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    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    Better than my suspicion they're out to steal our water purifier
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    Jeff Gardiner on aliens

    Mentions alien menace hinted at throughout Fallout and then mentions one thing in Fallout 3, hm. I wonder why they're even bothering now as we've almost killed ourselves off - what threat could we be
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    Mothership Zeta screenshots and info

    I echo the WTF at the Samurai armour (watch it resist gauss rifle shots). Although maybe it's just an outfit (in game LARPing or something ?) People are giddy about this, but I'm just not understanding it.
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    First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

    I always found it amusing how the White House was demolished and left that crater but the buildings around it are largely intact.
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    Fo3 PS3 DLC delayed

    Hopefully they get something out of the wait, anyway. I wonder why Beth has such a bad track record on their DLCs.
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    First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

    Heh, always find it funny how they have the PC dressed in a Vault suit for these DLC screens. For this one, I'd think PA or something more rugged would make sense - but then how would one know it was Fallout
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    Bethesda: "Something really different"

    It makes me sad that people actually get excited over these things. I guess someone on the team really liked Prey
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    Die, Clanner- a glimmer of hope for Mechwarrior fans?

    I'm expecting something about MW4-quality. Funny too, when I saw him duck behind the building the first time I got the idea they implemented some cover system.
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    For LucasArts slaves

    That damn reactor puzzle in The Dig, argh. Funny, they make a joke about it in Vampyre Story too, heh. I still have pretty much every LucasArts game, but it's nice to have them available again. I wonder how a Full Throttle 2 would be, with no Gone Jackals and no Ben.
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    Fallout LARP in Russia and lupins

    I had no idea there was a desert in Europe. Hm, learn something new every day. :)
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    Fallout LARP in Russia and lupins

    Never really got LARPing but looks like they put a good bit of work into it and they had fun. At least this isn't the e-LARPing some people do in FO3, hah.
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    First Time You Played Fallout...

    I didn't play it until 2003 and after I played Fallout 2 (I did the same with Monkey Island, playing it out of order, heh). I had seen FO1 in a store and was curious about it, but being broke as I was and not having a CD-ROM capable PC I forgot about it. Since I loved Fallout 2, so I bugged a...
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    Your desktop image.

    Probably about the only good thing about Dawn of War : Soulstorm was the drawing of the SoB :)
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Armed Assault 2, bit buggy and there's typos all over the place - but seems like good fun. At least it'll be better than Operation Flashpoint 2, heh.