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  1. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finished off the Ghost Recon series with Island Thunder, heh. Next, on to Rogue Spear.
  2. U

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Well not really proud to state it, but a guilty pleasure - reading Mechanicum and Tales of Heresy at the moment - WH40k books.
  3. U

    What is your stance on Achievements?

    Not a big fan of them, always seen them as a cheap gimmick to (sadly) make people keep playing. Never needed some score or flag to let me know I did something cool, but everything's gotta be quantized with people today. One of the worst use of them has to be in WoW, given that community...
  4. U

    Michael Jackson: Dead

    Always in threes, McMahon, Fawcett and now Jackson. Haven't really been a fan of his since the mid 90's but still sucks that he's dead. Now the media frenzy to come, ugh.
  5. U

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 Very relevant to the website and I always did like Chemistry
  6. U

    Kotaku studied Fallout, Physics and Beer

    That quote could read "It would just bog the game down too much to think" and you'd get the core philosophy. Of all things...ammo weight is seen as complex. So players end up like walking ammo dumps.
  7. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Finally finishing off the Ghost Recon series with Island Thunder. Forgot how hard that game can be, but the tense, methodical creeping around is pretty cool - especially when you're playing as a SF Unit called the 'Ghosts' it makes sense.
  8. U

    Game Informer: Max Payne 3 in Brazil

    Hah no kidding. Some developers just can't leave their box I guess. I never had good feelings about this once I heard Remedy was out of the picture, McCaffrey being left out and these latest screenshots...meh. Game industry just has to kill every good IP.
  9. U

    Games You Probably Like, But Should Not: Fallout 3

    I always saw that as coming from the *ahem* journalist giving the questions, the backhand remarks about "those Fallout fanatics" and so on. Mind you I didn't read every preview, but I doubt even Bethesda would so lousy to mock fans openly.
  10. U

    Fallout 3 Point Lookout Previews

    This radio signal mechanic sure is overused by now.
  11. U

    Kid said video game is a waste of time.

    And he wants to be an actor, hm. Seems like a waste, heh.
  12. U

    Feargus Urquhart Interviewed by Gamasutra

    Well they're all professionals talking to the media, it's rare you'll ever see any of them bash any other's game. I don't assume they hate the game and just hiding it, I just don't count their praise as being the truth.
  13. U

    Point Lookout press release, screenshots, trailer

    I'm getting immune to these garbage trailers, was I mistaken or was that trailer nothing but shooting stuff. Even FPS trailers aren't like that.
  14. U

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Been playing X-COM and it's been kicking my ass all over the place, great fun though. Also been playing Civ 2 when I really should be studying.
  15. U

    Replayability or glitchy games?

    Yeah, the e-LARPing thing is quite popular, scarily enough. It's funny to hear that as an argument against SPECIAL being relevant as it's just 'rollplay' when the game shouldn't limit your character in any way. That and people being so giddy over their houses leads me to think Bethesda's...
  16. U

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    You're assuming that they're frothing at the mouth with rage at how the canon was treated, saying they raped it just sounds bad but there's most likely nothing but disappointment behind it.
  17. U

    Bet on New Vegas

    Noticed that too, it's back up now though, running kinda sluggish (for me at least).
  18. U

    Replayability or glitchy games?

    Well their point about Fallout 3's glitch is BS, I feel. But glitches can sometimes make a game more fun than intended - look at Tribes and the physics bug that allowed skiing.
  19. U

    The RPG Genre is fucked up

    Well he certainly is angry. Should have come up with a more creative way to slate Howard if he was going to though.
  20. U

    Bethesda robbing Interplay blind

    Glad Derek Smart didn't get it, yech. I'd kill for a Freespace 3.