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  1. U

    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    It'd be a very forgiving X-COM though. Dying because you made a mistake causes frustration among gamers these days. I hoped this would be a simulation least some sort of drug induced fantasy, but I think this is going to be like a bad FPS.
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    Aliens Invade Fallout 3

    The swamp setting sounds interesting, even if I expect it to be just more run n' gun. I had to chuckle at the "It has a main quest, side quests, etc." seems like that's a huge plus he's plugging although I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. Aliens.. Well....
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    Interplay rereleases Fallout Trilogy box

    It takes a slightly larger attention span and some patience than most gamers these days have.
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    More Broken Steel reviews

    Sounds like every FPS.
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    Two Broken Steel reviews

    I'm convinced that the scores are paid for, but the reviews aren't (as much). I've seen a lot of reviews that give 80 but give the sense the reviewer wanted to give a 70 or so. The "score" is the easiest thing to market, I guess (who has time to read!, heh).
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    Fallout Trilogy hits NPD top 10 best-selling PC games

    I'll guess 30% will immediately declare it sucks due to the graphics or the TB combat. Good to see Fallout selling again, Bethesda will point to this as FO3 saving the series, hah.
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    Broken Steel: Fixed?

    They've messed up the deployment of every DLC so far, and putting stuff out when it doesn't work to begin with is cause enough to be snarky over it. They're not bad people, not saying Howard tortures babies or anything, but they seem to be bad at this DLC thing.
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    Broken Steel: Fixed?

    Yeah, people are being mindless consumers with this DLC concept. Scarier still is how some think micro-transactions will be the future, heh, so you can buy a game at maybe $10 for every 2 hours of gameplay.
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    NowGamer interviews Howard and Pagliarulo

    Shame it's the only one. And it's not really tough anyway, more of a clear cut Dark Side/ Light Side. Nothing ambiguous about Tenpenny wanting the place nuked.
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    An Honest and Fair Way to Look at FO1 vs FO3

    Ah, amusing. Fallout 3 does seem like it was made to avoid people hurting their brains worrying about complex things as weighted ammo, SPECIAL and are keen on sploshuns.
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    Broken Steel Trailer

    Well remember it's "RPG" according to Bethesda, so take that how you will :P
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    Forging the Steel

    Woo, a napalm launcher...and an albino scorpion. Damn, I should get a job at Bethesda.
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    Time, what is time?

    I'd like NCR to be around, but not necessarily doing well. If it's grown, there's bound to be internal problems, and it'd be too cheery to see them as a beacon of order anyway :P
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    RPGWatch reviews The Pitt

    Not to mention it's f**king hilarious.
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    Time, what is time?

    I'd like to see maybe 10-15 years after Fallout 2, so the Van Buren timeline. I figure and hope, that's long enough after FO2 to pass off the Enclave as having gone east or just ceasing to be (any troops in the area might just go native without orders, so to speak) but soon enough that you can...
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    What we'd like to see in New Vegas?

    I'd like to not see the Enclave or the BoS or even Super Mutants (at least in a large group context). Everything else I'd like to see, Ausir and lugaru already said. :)
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    Fallout 3 Broken Steel X-Play Video Feature

    Nice to see Liberty Prime back, it's a fun spectator show when it's around. Ho-hum video all around, I did find it funny how slow the character moves as if to add dramatic effect to it :P
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    Tidal wave of Broken Steel previews

    Not sure, only source I found was some guy's chat log with him in #arcanum - It does seem like OA part Deux at the moment, but to be fair, it's easier to leak cool pics of guns and laser beams than anything about the story. That...
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    Tidal wave of Broken Steel previews

    "My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." - Tim Cain Is that the quote ?
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    Tidal wave of Broken Steel previews

    They really boxed themselves into a corner with the ending they had. Will be funny if Fawkes, Charon or Lyons die if they go in, but you live, heh. The Tesla Cannon confuses me, not sure what it'll be - I'm thinking of a the Big Berthas from TA - seems odd for our saintly BoS to want to build...