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  1. U

    Why do so many people here think First Person excludes RPG?

    True enough, I wouldn't make that claim or that it was more tactical. Fallout 3's combat isn't more tactical or challenging though - depsite people's claims that the NPCs flank, suppress, etc. STALKER was a better FPS than Fallout 3 though, in my opinion.
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    Fallout 3 nominated for WGA award

    This contest seems rigged from the get go, heh.
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    Fallout 3 hate backlash

    I guess I'm jaded. The OTT death animations (clean decapitation from a 10mm round, who knew) weren't funny and were pretty tiresome. All in all, weak defense.
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    Jeff Gardiner and Anchorage screenshots

    Broken Steel sounds somewhat interesting, especially the bit about seeing the effects. Now, part of me suspects it'll be a slideshow, but maybe they'll change the landscape to reflect it so you can see it first hand. The Pitt, eh, "morally grey choices" as they are in Fallout 3 - I'll pass...
  5. U

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Via a friend, he kept raving on and on about how cool the game was, so I decided to give it a look. Funnily I ended up playing Fallout 2 before Fallout 1 due to him giving me the former first. :)
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #90

    Something galls me about the way that's written, as if it's a great thing. Aside, I never knew so many game reviewing sites existed!
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    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    You're a minority in going back to playing the first and second games then. Majority of people I tend to find in discussions about the game, compare this to Oblivion or Morrowind at best, and at worst do they "lol this looks like shit" type of comment at the previous games. And I was deferring...
  8. U

    Fallout 3 wins RPG of the Year at Gamespot

    Bah, I wonder why the Witcher wasn't on there. Then again it came out in 07 and I guess the EE didn't warrant a mention. Ah well, slim field and these GOTY things are meaningless these days anyway.
  9. U

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    I wouldn't say they revived it, none of the new fans seem to even know about the earlier games. Everytime a fan breathes a word about Fallout 3 they mention Oblivion, not Fallout 1 or 2. Oh well, mass appeal has a price, heh. Moira's quests don't put a moral choice in the player's hands...
  10. U

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Well to be fair, this page is people refuting the claim that the game was rushed, not hating for hating's sake. I doubt this thread was meant to be some sort of happy fest where people post "FALLOUT 3 ROCKS!!" over and over. No need to backseat moderate.
  11. U

    Fallout 3's commercial success

    Yeah, I loved Fallout 3 as much as I liked Deus Ex 2. And the Witcher's bugs weren't that crippling, I found it to be far better than Fallout 3, more interesting world, better atmosphere (granted you step into Geralt's shoes not Joe Q Vault Dweller)
  12. U

    Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Unveiled

    Argh, my head hurts. This should be a free add-on, doesn't really add anything to the game (supposedly an RPG) just some "oh wow cool!" crap.
  13. U

    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    The Anchorage add-on earns an eye-roll, sounds like too much emphasis on blowing stuff up as opposed to anything else. The other two sound somewhat promising, Broken Steel might just devolve into more dungeon crawling though.
  14. U

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    As a game by itself I think it's ok, nothing near Fallout standard though. Odd for an RPG but no urge at all to replay it for me.
  15. U

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    There's a strawman for you. Wanting better dialogue doesn't mean that it has to be text, I'm not sure who exactly is asking for lots of text based dialogue though. They could easily expand upon the current writing to make it richer in the various places it's sort of "meh". Easily done...
  16. U

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Shame a lot of the "outdated, subpar" games are more fun than the crop of supposedly top flight games now. Anyway, overreact much about the other side of the fence much ? Sheesh
  17. U

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Funny how the open-minded people always agree with the observer. Anyway, I don't get an overpowering sense of negativity from reading this forum - even if I did, I doubt it'd upset me so much to post a stern refutal.
  18. U

    The brother hood of Steel in FO3

    Eh I didn't really like the BoS as they are at the Pentagon, all goody goody for the most part. I was curious to check out the Outcast guys, but slipped my mind - do they offer anything interesting lore or quest wise ? And I think Public's point was just doing away with that ironic twist with...
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    Liberty Prime

    Not really a "character", but it was sort fun, more of what I'd expect from an FPS or something, honestly. My friend laughed and told me "oh a LITERAL Deus Ex Machina" when I described him - lucky BoS just getting that thing :D
  20. U

    A genuine, worthy sequel

    I'd say the originator of the IP.