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  1. K

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    There's an update on Eurogamer: No additional news, but at least we know he has to be tight lipped about his next projects.
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    Fargo says Meantime, Van Buren trademarks not part of what's up next

    Man, an Arcanum sequel would be amazing. Who owns the license to that game? Sierra?
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    Vault boy's thumbs up. What's your take?

    Maybe he just plain old likes 'em small? Though, you make an excellent point. I think we need to rush a Reddit on this one and convince the internet of what we found.
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    Vault boy's thumbs up. What's your take?

    Hey guys, Apologies if this was posted before (I searched), but I was curious as to what's NMA's take on vault boy's thumbs up is. Supposedly, vault boy isn't thumbs-uping, he's actually measuring the size of an atomic cloud to estimate if he's safe or not. Sounds feasible considering the "Duck...
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    Fallout Archaeology: Robert Nesler's concept art (Van Buren)

    Fuck, I LOVE that spaceship. The perspective on the dam is a little wonky, but feels a lot like Megaton like others have said.
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    Crying Horn APA mk II fanart

    These are amazing. Very detailed and very accurate. Fuckingbravo!
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    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Drive ends, $3.04M raised

    Awesome, awesome news! Thank you everyone for helping me help fund wasteland! ;) But seriously, congratulations everyone, we did it! Thanks to Brian Fargo, every gaming news source that promoted/wrote about this, Kickstarter, and every single one of you donating! I'm not one to put the...
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    Wasteland 2 drive in the final 24 hours

    I put my $250 in! I hope they keep in touch with the Pay-Pal people just as well as the Kickstarter people.
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    Unigine CEO offers free license for Wasteland 2

    The six figure offer has me a little worried. Where is the line between "donation" and "investment" drawn? In other words, what dollar amount will buy influence in design decisions and monetary returns on sales?
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    Wasteland 2 twitter tidbits

    If that's the case then every kickstarter that pulls off some old school RPGs is getting several hundred from me every time.
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    No Mutants Allowed front-page redesign

    For the layout, contrast between elements, large condensed type for news, I think they are good choices. While the colors are drastically different, I think I liked the old ones because I was familiar with them; which is a shit reason to be married to it. Much better "latest image" viewer, I...
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    InXile Kickstarter Project officially named Wasteland 2

    For me, I should be giving $50 for each year after years of disappointment of being a Fallout fan. Often times I found myself thinking "I would pay $xxx right now on a Fallout title tied closely to the originals." but I had no outlet. But this? Now's my chance...
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    Post-Apocalyptic Superbowl commercial

    Has anyone seen the upcoming Chevy Superbowl commercial? While obviously poking fun at all things post-apocalyptica (giant robots, UFO's, and the like) while throwing in a lame punchline against Ford, I figured I would share before the world sees it on Sunday...
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    Nuka Break/Obsidian video interview

    I agree with BN, during the whole interview I was just irked by the directionless questions by the interviewer (not to mention the his constant interruptions...). Interviews aren't casual conversations on camera, I wanted to hear the developers finish, not exactly what the interviewer had to...
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    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    Fantastic news, that made my night! While I agree with Per about Tim not joining his original team, I believe they're all pretty smart guys as well as great game developers/designers. Sure, the market might not be right for the type of game that we'll die to play but I'm confident that they...
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    Why Fallout: New Vegas crashes

    They could change their name and rebrand themselves to get rid of that "buggy" stigma. But that would also lose a name known for making good RPGs.
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    Gamebryo killed the Vault-Dweller Star

    I don't think the vaults translated well into the 3D world, or at least the Bethesda world. It lost some if its creepy "abandoned" charm. Obviously the 2Dness of the vaults in the original Fallouts allowed for some imagination to come into play and give a unique feeling. Or maybe it was the...
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    Even if Interplay got the licence back for some reason, wouldn't it be a lose-lose? I mean in no way are they going to create another non-MMO Fallout that the original fans would fully appreciate and the fans of Bethesda will know full well that future games aren't being made by their favorite...
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    Couldn't they swing the whole "Oh, Fallout: New Vegas isn't specifically Fallout 4... cause it doesn't say Fallout 4 on the box, dig?"
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    Fallout: New Vegas developers quotes

    I'm saying that if some one is designing for a specific audience then they're designing for them. That shouldn't to be confused with having the artistic freedom to create good and wholesome things (such as Art). Usually these good and wholesome things aren't very popular (initially or ever) but...