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  1. K

    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 2

    Bethesda is good at making money by selling their games, not by making good games. Say what you want about Bethesda, they know how to market their games. I was really excited when Oblivion came out, for the first half of the game the hype kept the game afloat, then slowly I came to the...
  2. K

    Bethesda vs Interplay on Fallout Online

    The WoW interface from a usability standpoint did a lot of things right. It was simple, customisable, easily understood though multiple languages, and everything worked within a drag and drop grid system. That isn't to say WoW's interface is perfect or anything, they just utilized some good...
  3. K

    Postworld Update

    I think this looks great! Keep up the great work! One quick critique though: The red hexagonal pointer is a good throwback and is recognizable to any Fallout fan, however, the cursor was designed to let the player know which hexagonal cell the player could walk to, so no matter where the...
  4. K

    J.E. Sawyer and dialogue

    Some times when the minor NPC's change their "barkstrings" I tend to find myself doing socially unnatural things in the game, such as going up to every minor NPC in the area and just mashing the interact key until they have nothing new to say, and then doing it to each NPC in the area to see if...
  5. K

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshot and concept art

    Hmm... Too bad those aren't 1920x1200...
  6. K

    Emphasis on interaction distinguishing feature of New Vegas

    It'd be nice to have, definitely. Looks like producing that sort of print isn't very difficult, you just need access to a high resolution image and a plotter. And then, to put to cherry on, go to a frame shop and buy the materials. If only the photo plotters here at my university didn't cost...
  7. K

    European magazine New Vegas preview listing

    Compare the Level cover with the other, the graphic designer did a fantastic job of taking boring vector work and bringing materiality to it. Not only did they add classic Fallout distress, but they were conscious of shadows and emphasizing other minor elements (such as poker chips). Even...
  8. K

    More details from PC Games preview

    I don't know if I can be excited, but I can be optimistic. Bethesda is paying them to make a game, that means they have the final say in everything. Also, if Bethesda wants some bad content added then Obsidian would have to put up a nice argument to not have it included. I guess I can assume...
  9. K

    Who wants to be a child killer?

    I've always liked the "oblivious" look on vault boy's face, it added to the joke. In a lot of ways the obliviousness reflected into the unforgiving nature of the Fallout world. When I first saw the vault boy illustrations, I took them for what they were: Vault Tec 50's style illustrations on how...
  10. K

    Fallout's Future per Critical Gamer

    I will not bother with this game unless I see Dogmeat armor.
  11. K

    Vault Boy Now Delivering Pizza in Massachusetts Area

    I think what's worse is the sleazy graphics company that used the image to make a quick buck off the pizza place.
  12. K

    Project V13 concept art #5: Character Sketches

    I have to agree, I kinda like it as well. The size compared to Bethesda's armor feels more like fallout. I remember in Fallout 2 and wearing the APA, people said I looked like a walking refrigerator. Which, damnit, I want to god damn look like one! So I thnk that's a tap in the right direction.
  13. K

    Project V13 concept art #5: Character Sketches

    I like the exploration of concepts, neat ideas being thrown on paper with marker. (or tablet with Photoshop) This stage of the process is always nice to get ideas out quickly, both good and bad. However, I suppose there's a difference between the "exploration" and "concept" stage of design, as...
  14. K

    Project V13 concept art #4: Desert

    Obviously, certain color palates can bring about different experiences for theatrical or emotional effect. In the two Diablo III screen shots above , I really do prefer the darker and grittier atmosphere (although, shockingly enough, I get a '90s game vibe out of it. I tend to gravitate towards...
  15. K

    Interplay v Bethesda court filings

    Haha, I was surprised by this as well. Why you would want to invest with stocks like theirs, no one knows.
  16. K

    Bethesda takes over

    Companies can just take over domain names? I didn't know that. Do we know if it wasn't simply bought out?
  17. K

    Fireside Chat

    I believe what the point here is that as you move from left to right, you notice that more information is being given to the viewer/user/player and less up to their imagination. If we had 10 illustrators individually draw the world from a particular book they've read, then the output would be...
  18. K

    Fireside Chat

    Uhm, try again? Try again at stating a psycological fact? I was simply informing you of how comics and film use devices that use your brain to fill in the gaps of sequential information, exactly like books do. Without it, our brains wont understand the order of any elements lacking information...
  19. K

    Fireside Chat

    I respectfully disagree, in the book Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, he talks about a concept called closure, which is the phenomenon of observing the parts but perceiving the whole. Basically, the magic that happens between panels that our mind fills in. "The effect is to spark the...
  20. K

    Fireside Chat

    A nice and unexpected read with plenty of reference points! Every medium, film, books, video games, etc. come with their own balancing act of affordances and constraints. There are simply things that film can do better than video games, video games can do better than film, books can't do over...