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  1. K

    PC Gamer interviews Todd & Emil

    Why do I buy the magazine when they're going to post content, as well as bonus content, online? Ah well, I enjoyed the interview, I appreciate Dan asking specific questions. I like how Todd and Emil were caught with their pants down on the last question about dollhouse gameplay. That's...
  2. K

    Fallout 3 Maps

    I guess it depends on what the large green square represents, I was under the impression that it was the boundaries of the Fallout 3 map, that is unless you can 'zoom out' in the pipboy.
  3. K

    Fallout 3 Maps

    This is great, thanks for making these Vault Maker. One question though, why is Germantown highlighted when it's outside of the game's map?
  4. K

    Fallout 3 Hands-On #8

    So, 1-10 year olds playing M rated games? I'd hate to call that a a lot of gamers.
  5. K

    Tom Chick responds to Wired piece

    I suppose to what he's saying, positive criticisms, as well as negative, are just smear jobs.
  6. K

    1UP's Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview

    I think a level specific perk for power armor is dumb, it should be executed cleverer than that. Like some one mentioned, it's a lazy design choice. They might as well have "Level 15 required" written on the armor. Sure overhauling everything wouldn't be an option at this point, but it should...
  7. K

    PCZone and PCGamer Fallout 3 previews

    What are you talking about? That quote is in the link, first paragraph.
  8. K

    PCZone and PCGamer Fallout 3 previews

    I bought the game on the hype as well. The only thing I liked about the game was the Thieves guild quests. I had a friend that did the same thing and gave up on the game half way though due to level scaling. Cant's say I'll ever do that again...
  9. K

    PCZone and PCGamer Fallout 3 previews

    While flipping through the pages of PC Gamer, I noted the way the Vault Boy was drawn in the perks and skills. Which brings to question why they changed some while using the same concept(lockpicking), slightly changing anything about them (eyebrows on the weapon skills), to completely...
  10. K

    1UP's Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview

    I liked in FO1 that there was, for me at least, a lot of anticipation to get a hold of the power armor. Like, once you've found the BOS you want to get a hold of their armor, and the game puts you through a variety of quests until you finally get it. Does everyone remember the old FF style...
  11. K

    Fallout 3 Full E3 Trailer

    Hmm, I just a found chronologic error in this trailer. The typefaces (read: fonts) I could identify are Agency Gothic (the NOT AN ACTUAL ATOMIC BLAST to the phone number), Futura (SUPER DUPER MART, thanks radnan), and Freestyle Script Bold (We have what you need!). I'm a little too lazy to...
  12. K

    Fallout 3 Hands-Ons #3

    I like the power armor, for the most part. Fatman, ehhhhh of all the weapons they could have sculpted, why that?
  13. K

    French website Gamekult plays Fallout 3

    Is it just me or do I see more foreign previewers being more critical about the connection to previous FO games than American previewers asslicking Bethesda? That's a tad strange for me to accept.
  14. K

    Gamespot Gameplay Video is Up

    Okay so some new stuff in this video: Fallout booths are coin run. A single Vats bullet can, in fact, remove all limbs and head. Hacking interface. Best look at Enclave PA World Map Stimpacks can be injected into specific limbs, possibly healing crippled limbs? I like the booth being...
  15. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    I found this over on Games Radar about lockpicking: Um.. how is that going to work on the PC?
  16. K

    E3 interview with Todd Howard on Gametrailers

    Finally, Todd said that the Enclave is a "shadow government" and not the actual government. Not that i'm looking forward to the game or anything, but I'm happy when I hear they have something right at all.
  17. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    My pholosphy is, if you make a game tempting enough, gamers are going to find a way to play it no matter what platform it's on. I don't hear any complaints about WoW not being on the 360 or PS3, and it's still a huge success.
  18. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    Though, teddy bear lunchers being completely dumb, we have to remember that he had Bloody Mess on. So I would assume that all those horrible deaths are only there thanks to the 'perk.' There's no doubt that it will be a decent game, just wont be a true fallout game. Playing that game will be...
  19. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    If lockpicking in FO3 is anything like Oblivion, all the skill does is decrease the number of tumblers that fall when the player messes up. Also: "As your Security skill increases, tumblers move less rapidly, giving you more time to fix the tumbler." as mentioned here. So, if it's anything...
  20. K

    More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

    Hasn't been good since they took over Tech TV. I'm pretty sure that's for demo pourposes, save time and all that. Though it looked like he did miss with the fatman. WTF is all that bullshit about PC gaming being dead? It's already stuggling to get decent PC games now a days, the platform...