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  1. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Gothic 3 discussion

    My Hero. Maybe you just didnt get what Gothic is about anyway... It IS about the fights... if you're making it a quest-to-quest-run you ruin it yourself... G3 has its downsides, but fighting itself wasnt one of them.
  2. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Bethesda and PnP mechanics

    Yeah.. sure... doing the same thing over and over again makes you better. [/sarcasm] That way you learn a move. ONE move. Trying a new one means being inspired to learn a new one, to see a new one, be TAUGHT a new one or to be very talented/have a rich fantasy. If you learn by trial and error...
  3. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Lost & found: alternative attack animations

    "All men are created equal..." ;-)
  4. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    New Fallout 3 Screenshots

    Theres a difference between believing and saying something. Beth SAID many times they'll stay true. Beth SAID they are Fallout fans. Since you aren't able to look into their minds, you can't just assume because they SAY SO, that its true, dont you? You're not that stupid, are you? So...
  5. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    ermm.... i have no interplay-stuff in my registry since i cant install it anyways... what registry-keys did F2 create during install?
  6. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    New Fallout 3 Screenshots

    If I didnt knew you from the Bethsoft-forums, i knew by know you're used to post there... Hell "Complaining about complaining" seems like an invention of Bethsoft to me. Its like "You may complain/argue about everything you like but not about something that may be seen as argument/complain"...
  7. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Games Radar looks back at the future

    since we will have to gather outside their offices... who wants some hotdogs? pre-order saves money! I'd be willing to rent some forks too...
  8. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    More forum tidbits from here and Bethesda

    "Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten." in german. Guess you knew it ;-) We have also great examples for people not staying with what they learned. Remember that small austrian guy that did draw postcards and then was up to become the ruler of germany?
  9. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I was about to check the loading-issue... when sulik showed me sth: The Elevator on the right side in the utility-level isnt solid at all... gonna check if its the same at the other elevator. You can get behind the elevator if you step into it, click "leave" and step further, click "leave"...
  10. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Hooked Gamers gives us a Fallout 3 overview

    thats what i dislike bethsoft for... they are like the devil (but not mighty at all), he grants you some wishes, but you'll allways get what you asked for, not what you wanted. "Oh, you want random encounters? No Problem!" -"Really?" "Yes! You'll encounter random things!" and hey...
  11. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    you found the second elevator, with the same script on it? ;-) seems like the game has troubles changing the map.. btw, thanks from me too... didnt thank you before, was too excited... and I'm emotionally crippled anyway
  12. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    hmm... didnt find it mentioned before.. so: I got a crash every time trying to use the elevator (utility level) in the EPA... no matter which level i choose, the screen goes black and i'm out... fresh copy of F2, no patch, Restoration 1.1... got XP x64 Professional, i hope thats not the...
  13. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Hooked Gamers gives us a Fallout 3 overview

    nah.. doubt that... look at Kate Moss - still famous! What random encounters? Did you confuse it with a game that features a worldmap and conceived game design?
  14. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    its not about the difficulty of the encounters.... i just cant move anymore... if you get 5 or more encounters per square... do you know how far you will come? even if i flee every fight this takes ages...
  15. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    ok, no more empty encounters... seems to work now. Loks like it interferred with a previous patch i cant remember *shrug* btw... is it only me or are there much ... much... much more encounters along the way? took me half an rl-hour to get from arroyo to san-fran... /edit yeah...
  16. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    didnt reinstall the game since i cant install but only copy it to my hdd (XP64). I didnt install the Restoration 1.0 prev to 1.1. will try now with a fresh copy...
  17. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I just started playing, ran out of Arroyo and encountered a strange bug: When i travel via worldmap, my character frequently stops traveling and enters ISO-View, just like an encounter would have happened. When i leave the area and reenter the worldmap, he proceeds his journey... to stop...
  18. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    New Shelter Gameplay video

    dunno... in fact... i'm quite surprised where my post ended up... i wrote it for an completely differnet newspost... and i wonder how it came here... i may be drunk, but i wasnt when i was posting... where the hell am i?? /edit awww.. damned... it really went where it was meant to be...
  19. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    New Shelter Gameplay video

    Screamers is a really cool B-Movie with a nice post-apo setting... great atmo!
  20. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout's 10th anniversary: Vault 13 Timeline

    Erm... don't you know for what purpose the B2 was developed? Of course Nuclear Bombers (Bombers with nuclear warheads/bombs, NOT nuclear powered (wiki for Pluto ;-)) are an important part of the nuclear arsenal. You have to remember, "nukes" are no longer only dumb bombs. Nukes are cruise...