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  1. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Fallout's 10th anniversary: Inside the Vault Q&A

    That hurt! With this guys in Charge F3 is screwed... totally screwed. Allthough I could constantly complain about their lack of everything... i just can't find no words that express how screwed F3 is...
  2. ***F.E.A.R.***MaNiaC

    Apokalypsos: A Post-Apocalyptic MMO Project

    Yeah... thats the spirit buddie! Just the right spirit to survive ww3. Just telling someone that whatever he tries to do won't work. Thats the spirit that your ancestors where in when they sailed over the seas (across the atlantic btw). "No, that won't work, we'll sail to death!" Strange they...