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  1. Bubba Zanetti

    Fallout 4 Bible: Bethesda will never make a good Fallout game

    A voiced protagonist is just another limitation to be saddled with (in addition to a fleshed out backstory). Frankly, I think such things are very poor taste in any RPG. I can use my imagination and prefer to come up with how my character sounds in my head when reading the text. For example...
  2. Bubba Zanetti

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    Maybe re-imagining would be a better term? For example, in a vein similar to those Mummy movies starring Brandon Lee, or whatever the hell his name is. They switched up genres, going from classic horror to action/adventure. They definitely weren't sequels, but weren't exactly remakes either...
  3. Bubba Zanetti

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Too bad that you have to pretend rather than roleplay in order to be a Thalmor sleeper agent, since there is no way of actually joining or officially helping the Aldmeri Dominion in-game. It's a shame, there's a lot of good story potential in the ideas Beth comes up with, but much of it is...
  4. Bubba Zanetti

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Yes, I seem to recall he seems particularly delightful if your female character cleared it the old fashioned way, guns blazing, as opposed to dumping the toxic waste.
  5. Bubba Zanetti

    Do you find it hard to be social?

    Thanks. I agree he was gone too soon... I'll have to check out this Hicks documentary. That reminds me--I also really want to see Call Me Lucky, the documentary Bobcat Goldthwait put together on a lesser known comedian named Barry Crimmins. Never heard of him before, but understood what he...
  6. Bubba Zanetti

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Oh yeah, civil war... I did a Stormcloak run and was sent to retrieve a crown, took over Whiterun, took over some forts with that guy who I was on the hayride with in the beginning of the game, and then hit Solitude. There I killed General Veers, or whatever his name was, and a female...
  7. Bubba Zanetti

    Do you find it hard to be social?

    I do OK in social settings, when I have to put up with them, but prefer to avoid that crap and people altogether. Last time I socialized--outside of putting up with people at work--was when I got dragged to a New Years Eve party last year. This is me in a nutshell: I'm a dyed-in-the-wool...
  8. Bubba Zanetti

    Hypocrisy: Season passes

    I'm the guy that waits a few months for the price to drop. Got plenty to keep me preoccupied in the meantime.
  9. Bubba Zanetti

    Why is Bethesda so focused on vault dwellers?

    I preferred the "blank slate" of the Courier and appreciated the opportunity to shape my character via general interactions and dialogue options. FO3 on the other hand, was a disappointment right off the bat--growing up in yet another control vault experimenting with isolation a la Vault 13...
  10. Bubba Zanetti

    Courier Six Artwork

    Drawing of my Courier, Cayenne, and her Legion pals as they march into New Vegas.
  11. Bubba Zanetti

    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    And if you want to shape your own character's backstory, you're shit out of luck. Once again, the main character comes from a vault (again with the vault origins), has an established family, and is even from the pre-war era to boot.
  12. Bubba Zanetti

    Anyone else has this problem?

    I'm on XBox360 and I have very few issues since all the latest patches... aside from the occasional crash here and there. No sweat. As others have already stated, PS3 is apparently a nightmare for whatever reason.
  13. Bubba Zanetti

    welp, i had forgotten the silliness of "Ghouls in Space"

    Yeah, I always got the impression they were merely heading for a heavily irradiated hotspot on this planet, likely an area similar to the Glow. The Courier can express concern that the rockets will "convey" Jason and his flock straight into the ground.
  14. Bubba Zanetti

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    Not a whole lot mods can do for core fundamental issues like shitty story, dialogue, or interaction. That and deliberately half-assing a project (or excusing such) merely because there are others out there willing and able to clean up the mess left behind, well, that's just not a good precedent...
  15. Bubba Zanetti

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    The point joevonzombie was trying to make regarding character description is the stronger the character, the easier it is to rattle off said character's traits. For instance Caesar from New Vegas: brilliant, charismatic, ruthless, stubborn, petty, flexible, cunning, eloquent, arrogant, etc...
  16. Bubba Zanetti

    Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

    As others on here have said previously, if FO3 was its own title apart from the franchise it would be a decent adventure game and likely wouldn't catch half of the flak it gets. As a Fallout RPG however, it's an abysmal disappointment. Due to the half-assed world design, crummy characters...
  17. Bubba Zanetti

    Old World Blues DLC is absolutely awesome!

    Sweet! Oh yes. Dr. O's moment of triumph is particularly satisfying.
  18. Bubba Zanetti

    Old World Blues DLC is absolutely awesome!

    Yeah, check the Auto-Doc and see if the option to swap out parts is available. So the brain said it would stay behind, only to join you at the last minute upon reaching the Dome? Were in the lights in the Think Tank's command center red during the finale, as in, was the pacification field down?
  19. Bubba Zanetti

    Everything in Fallout 4 looks too new

    Funny enough, the Atomic Wrangler crier's voice actress was around thirteen at the time and also voiced a bunch of kids in the game. I know the crier is depicted as a young woman, but still...