All we get is, "civilization, unforgiving as it were, finally came to the Mojave Wasteland."
I guess Caesar gets his wish--it sounds good--but it's pretty damn vague. I love the Legion, but there is way too much reading between the lines with them.
According to Sawyer himself, subjects under...
A few Centurions armed with anti-materiel rifles could handle that.
Why not? They're essentially a nomadic warrior tribe with little to no interaction with the areas outside of Red Rock Canyon apart from their drug distribution networks, which have in effect, made them pariahs in the...
No kidding.
I'll never forget the first time I completed I Fought the Law in favor of the Powder Gangers. I'm running all over the place like a chicken without a head, making sure I got all the invading NCR goons.
I pop into Cell Block B to make sure things are cool there and find Carter in...
Although I agree Honest Hearts is the weakest of the bunch, I still think a lot of what it offers goes unappreciated.
Depending on how you decide to settle things, your character can be the Randall Clarke, tending to Joshua Graham's sorrow--reminding him there's a better way by helping him...
Yeah, marketing and trying to emulate other successful franchises out there in order to attract a wider audience.
Hey, the road to mediocrity is paved with gold after all.
We'll see. Obsidian is gung-ho to do another one, and they say they're still on good terms with Bethesda. My primary concern though is, being as busy are they are with other projects, will they even be able to find the time for another Fallout?
Probably depends on your character, as I've had Couriers hunting down Benny and the Platinum Chip for other reasons aside from getting even. One was so committed to her work, she felt it was her responsibility to reclaim the chip and make the delivery to House as promised. Another was such a...
First I've heard of this.
I will definitely pass on these. Too expensive and I'm not excited enough for Fallout 3, 4, and TES to go pick up action figures based off of those properties.
Based off of Fallouts 1, 2, and New Vegas however? Maybe.
And if those figures were a bit smaller (like...
Yup and there's still a bit of leftover dialogue from that cut content, which you can find by talking to Bert after taking out Nephi. He says he heard Nephi died and hopes his soul finally found peace.
Confused the hell out of me the first time I heard it, until I remembered Bert said he...
Yeah, it's part of the Aba Daba Honeymoon questline--you can ask Motor-Runner about the history of Vault 3 and sell him drugs from your personal stash at a slight markup.
It's a shame Motor-Runner's dialogue is bugged to the point where interactions with him are limited. Also, there is a...
Yeah, what sticks in my craw is that Beth's "dumbing down" of Fallout to appeal to a broader audience is being hailed by the ignorant as progressive, when it is clearly a step backwards from the depth and substance of its predecessors.
All in the name of maximizing profits by the way... which...
It does if the game is supposed to be an RPG, where dialogue is crucial.
Regardless of how many bells whistles they tack on, it's still a mundane, shallow experience compared to what came before--Fallouts 1, 2, and New Vegas, specifically.
Probably because anything more would either belittle or go over the heads over their target audience. Straight is safe.
Reminds me of how the same type of people were put off by the cleverly subversive fetch quest Legend of the Star/Valuable Lesson, scratching their heads in bewilderment...
Yeah. I love how NCR has the best ending in the game, bar none, so long as you maximize all potential positive outcomes... and take things at face value.
For those paying attention and able to read between the lines, NCR's happy ending is overshadowed by the fact that none of their...
Oh, when I say I hate people I definitely mean it.
The empty-headed responses to that forum post certainly don't help dissuade me from my misanthropic tendencies.
If anything I feel vindicated.