I'd be happy as a subject, or however you'd describe it, living under Caesar (not a member of the actual Legion itself).
Plenty of food, water, and power to go around and I get to live safely and comfortably provided I stay out of the Legion's way, which doesn't sound too difficult.
In a word...
I didn't have a problem with the kids in New Vegas. They were unkillable as usual, but relegated to the background not propped up as literal roadblocks to the main questline like they were in 3.
Invincible roadblocks at that, ones you were forced to deal with in a particularly linear...
I prefer Legion as they have the greatest potential out of all of the factions to get the most bang for the buck out of the region.
Sawyer said their lands are run more safer and more efficiently than those outside their influence, even the ones back in California. The only catch is, of...
Yeah it's simple fetch quests for the most part, but I don't mind the opening dialogue sequence with the brains at all. They're hilarious.
Who can forget the sonjaculating bit, "Ding... turkey's done!"
Even better when you ask 8 for help "passing the time" afterwards. He hooked my female...
The Dunwich building had some interesting little moments to amp up the creep factor, like the poltergeist activity--doors opening by themselves, stuff flying off shelves, and that one bizarre "flashback" moment where you're transported to the Pre-War era for an instant.
Other than that, you're...
Tough choice.
House, Caesar, Graham, Arcade, Hanlon, Ulysses, Cass, Dean Domino, Veronica... I could talk to those characters for hours.
If I had to choose one though, I'd pick Vulpes Inculta. What a magnificently evil bastard.
Been a fan of Fallout since my college days in the late 90s after my roommate introduced me to the series and pencil & paper RPG (Shadowrun). I've always been a casual gamer at heart but had a blast with the Fallout series, mostly the original as I never got to play much of 2.
I plan to...