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    Bioshock 2 gimps PC multiplayer

    At least Battlefield Bad Company 2 will have dedicated servers.
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    Talking Heads

    Middle on is best, first one looks like hes "NOM NOM NOM ME EAT YOU" and in the third one he has pedophile look.
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    Bioshock 2 gimps PC multiplayer

    Actually, no one wins, the console and PC version will be the same, so the only losing side is for PC players that getting a dump down multiplayer (while console players are already aquanted with crappy multiplayer :twisted:) Well..... maybe its because everyone here dont like Bioshock or...
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    Fallout 8-bit - Now 'the Wastelander' - Gameplay added 0411

    Can we haz Super Mutants pleaz? :P Nice work :clap:
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    New Vegas Worries

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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Re: hi heh, as long as you not another troll, WELCOME :)
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    Bioshock 2 gimps PC multiplayer

    Bah.... Bioshock 1 sucked as a shooter, at least for me, i had that feeling that i was playing a console FPS all the time, seriously enemy health bar??? you have to empty a tommy gun clip just to kill one/two guys, thats bullshit. About the multiplayer thingie, then thats another dead game...
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    Mass Effect 2

    Yeah like paying for Mappacks in COD modern warfare 2? hehe :twisted: , true. Seriously guys, i HATE DLC's, look at this (DELETED LINK) for those who didint get it, the guy is selling Point Lookout and The Pitt addon for R$ 109 (thats about 60 US dollars). Thats outrageous.!!! EDIT...
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    New Vegas Worries

    Well.... since Fallout 3 dont have much essence at all, thats a good thing isnt? :) If it was up to me, New Vegas would be something like Van Buren, but better.
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    one my favorite songs of all time:
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    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

    Not bug, you were not supposed to be able to loot all his stuff for free. You know you must be stupid to get the drinks right? Didint quite get it, Buster (i think thats his name) still have Gauss ammo for sale ,not 100% of the time, but i remember him having in the last time i played.
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    First Time You Played Fallout...

    This thread is (at least is supposed to) for people to tell HOW was their first game while the sticky is for people to tell how they discovered the game.
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    New Vegas Worries

    huh?what??? :?
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    Help with naming that game

    The thread is old but it still..... There is this game, i played when i was 8 years old. it was a first person adventure game kinda like Myst (or it might actually be Myst, i didint played much). From what i remember you where in a old mine of some sort, it was night but the thing i recall...
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    What game was this?

    its a obscure game made by 1C company called "World War 1" bought it yesterday :D heres a link about the game
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    oh.... :oops: didint knew that, sry
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    hey, Wasteland Ghost is/was working on it, here: hope killap and other modders can lend a hand to him, a F1 RP would be great.
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    Tandi president of NCR issue?

    hmm... by the assistant, you mean the NCR spy?, if this guy start walking away, then hes the NCR spy in which you reported to tandi, you can still talk with tandi normally (just open the door). btw hows Vic? hes dead or suffered a "misterious" head wound recently :P
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    What game was this?

    Then i will take yours :D EDIT: better picture
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    How Success Killed Duke Nukem

    Holy cow, how i forgot about Serious Sam, thats like Duke's brother. Painkiller hmm.... never heard about that game. Well now its my opinion but Far Cry 2 was the WORST sequel to a good game that i EVER played (yes it beats fallout 3), you have to keep doing the same missions over and over...