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  1. B

    DRM and You! Thread

    well i take the "DRM promotes piracy" from my experience, some of my friends also had to download a pirated copy because they couldnt get the activation working or they already reached the installation limit. and what i meant when i said Steam is why they (other companies) dont follow Steam's DRM
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    DRM and You! Thread

    what i seriously cant undestand is why they bother with these huge DRM schemes, games will always get pirated, and as Ausdoerrt said it only promotes more pirating. take Steam for example, its easy, if you have a pirated copy you cant go online (which pretty much kills the game for those who...
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    A blow dealt to the US(Obama's) health care idea.

    nope its not the European style, thats our style of public healthcare system. :|
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    WIN :mrgreen: took the words right out of my mouth, btw i know BOZAR's image is from the Barret, but still its Fallout, not real life
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    How Many Hours Have You Put In?

    i have 225h hours playing the game (so says my Xfire) well i guess it was after 3 frustrated attempts to finish the game, i finished games like Deus Ex (REALLY LONG GAME) but in FO3 i get bored in the middle of it even with a crapload of mods. :wtf: no comment
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    Just discovered DLCs...

    looks at Jet1337's Post lol'ed :lol: anyway, since we are talking about DLC's i dunno about you guys but i get angry with this new "hype" to make DLC's for every game, in brazil its not only hard to get DLC's (for ANY game) but it will also cost you much more than the normal price. damn...
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    What game was this?

    ok since the last guy didint put any pics, here: lets see if you guys can guess what game is this. i hope no one posted this already.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    lol :crazy: i think the rumors about NMA members having the same preferences are slightly true, i am also playing Panzer General 2, and X-com 1. also playing bioshock and sometimes Battlefield 2
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    unless i am wrong there is no indication that the BOZAR was supposed to be a single shot sniper rifle, so it should not be "fixed". LEAVE THE GODDAMN BOZAR ALONE!!! :evil:
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Per's Quote here? well i think the BOZAR should still be a kickass burst weapon, but it would be also good if it had a alternative single (aimed) shot and i dont think it was originally meant to be a sniper rifle
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    Talking Heads

    why when i see this talking head i can only remember 2 things: -FRESH MEAT and.. -BRAINS!!!!!! :) btw the tatoo on the forehead is a nice detail
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    Your Fallout collection

    (looks at first pic) holy sh............. :jawdrop: i ... i .. i just have fallout 2 in a magazine and fallout trilogy (i have fallout 3 GOTY but i got it by... , lets say, "unorthodox ways")
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    hmm..... to Lukus, its ok , i guess not everyone has the same good taste as me :P, and you seriously cant rate peoples nickname, in my view my avatar must be related to my name and i "made" that picture so thanks for harsh feedback. as for my nickname, its more for pratical reasons, in many...
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    Unofficial Patch?

    belive me, there are. too bad fallout 3 doesnt have united modding community (like we have here :P )
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    Fallout 3 dlc

    OOOOOOOOOOPSSSSS, WRONG FORUM.... but you need to select you dlc's just one time and they will be selected until the end of times :crazy: , anyway get FOMM its away better than normal fallout launcher
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    had to reply to this 9/10 i can only imagine his avatar saying this : hmm... 100 posts YEAHHHH!!!
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread omg, EPIC MUSIC :shock:
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    GLITCH - Falche, skill and hit point gain per unchanged

    so you trying to do a ULTIMATE challange in fallout?, going ironman with all SPECIAL stats 1? well good luck :P
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    First Time You Played Fallout...

    ahhh i remember how it was, i bought fallout 2 from a gaming magazine because of the guy in power armor :P my first playthrough i selected sex appeal and skilled :oops: as traits and tagged big guns, lockpicks and outdoorsman i screwed up many quests without knowing, like madoc/slag...
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    Goo piles

    actually depends, if a certain goo pile is from a respawing creature, then it will vanish when the creature respawn but in any other case it will stay there forever :(