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  1. B

    Fallout 1 and 2 Windows 64?

    Get the Fallout 2 Hi-res from the downloads section while you can get the RP 1.2 from killaps site The RP already contains his unofficial patch and Sfall so just download the RP ok? btw sfall corrects the cutscene bugs (at least i think it does)
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    lol 200 years of indoctrination, well i do agree with you in that point but the chances of those chinese remnants to be still alive after 200 years if they followed this mentality could be pretty much zero (no counting the fact that they cant reproduce).
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    Just like Blood's flare gun I dunno if that was for me but if thats the case, it still doenst explain why the hell they are still fighting after 200 years , if take you san francisco from F2, those people originally came from a chinese nuclear submarine, building a society after noticing...
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    Fallout 3 Pre-Order Soundtrack Artwork...I need it

    this one? well i dont wanna sound pessimist , but if you know this community most of us didint pre order fallout 3 so it would be rare if someone has it
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    Graphical artifacts during Fallout 2

    ok you can try 3 things: -put the resolution down (800x600) or the alike -install sfall -change OS, vista sucks for gaming you can find sfall here
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    Fallout 3 Pre-Order Soundtrack Artwork...I need it

    hmm.... just a thought, i think you are in the wrong section, if you going to put this custom soundtrack into the game then this whole project should be in the fallout 3 MODS category
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    YEAH!!!!111!OMG!!!11 :notworthy: :obsessed: :V :postviper: :revolution:
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    WOOT! :shock: killap didint said 1.3 was going to be the final version? or hes going to leave after 1.3? anyway looking foward to 1.3 :D
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    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    i think his art work is supposed to be more "OMFG :crazy:" than serious :) well you can get photoshop trial version or go get it by .... you know other "means"
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    Graphical artifacts during Fallout 2

    sry for my ignorance but what kind of graphical artifacts you experiencing? if you could post a screenshot it could help and what OS your using? EDIT: looks like Silencer typed at the same moment but was faster than me :P , well yeah if its the black screen thingie, i never found out a way...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Darek, i can assure you that win7 is not at fault here, i use Windows 7 Ultimate and didint had any issues with any fallout even without any patch at all (well, i had to use compatibility mode, so fallout 1 could stop saying i didint had enough memory). Infektionsgefahr did you used any...
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    Fallout 2 on Windows 7

    hmm el_jefe_of_ny Fallout 2 works fine on Win7 with killaps patch (installs sfall) so should download it at but if fallout steam version is all compressed up (like team fortress 2) then i think there is no way to modify it :| btw, if you ever have to choose between a...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    if memory dont fails me killap stated its "when its done" but it might come out this month as many people working on the mod are saying (to Infektionsgefahr) hmm might be because of the blood patch and the german translation, other than that it might be your PC config, i dunno, i can play...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    hmm like at what point in the game your savegames crash? its something random? or its at a fixed location? btw, seriously no one knows if Miria Mod will be an option to install with the mod?
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    hmm to aswer your question, i think fallout wiki says the chinese had a secret base in DC ( called mama's dolce or something), but its still weird that they had a whole garrison there. What i really couldnt get it is why they are hostile? i mean after 200 years they could either have turned...
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    Fallout 2 Qs

    ohhhhh :P , that explains everything, i thought that it was from fallout 2 since the topic name is Fallout 2 Qs
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    hmm guys small question, i saw somewhere a while ago that 1.3 will include the option to install Miria mod, is that true? can you be more especific?
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    ok, after doing more side quests (vampire quest, argh) i decided to continue with the main quest, went to vault 87 to get the GECK, in the middle of it i just quit playing, and deleted the game. i dunno if i was doing this thing in a wrong way, because i was playing with a diplomatic...
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    Chinese Remnants HUH?

    ok so i recently replayed F3, last time i just did megaton and some other quests and then my HDD crashed, anyway this time i explored and found the ghouls called chinese ramnants and i was like WTF!?, first why they are still fighting for a lost cause after 200 years?? and why you cant (no...
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    Fallout 2 Qs

    hey, about the cheater, i was just messin around with you :D. so the stats are from fallout 1? if it is, its weird, because if you do "all" quests you reach lv 15 before you start the boneyard (it was the last area for me before Military base and Cathedral), also no counting random...