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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    1.Kla$ - Klick Klack Bang [Dj Dimon RMX]
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    Your desktop image.

    My current one: It must be a big pleasure and insine to drive a Diablo on snow... PermBurnouts with summer tires! :mrgreen:
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Bond is cool 9/10 - 1P blond hair 8/10
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    Rambo, violence?

    Nah... I wouldn't say this, but it was indeed the best Rambo part all times.
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    Rambo, violence?

    I've watched Rambo IV (uncut) yesterday. I like the violence in that movie (when thouse bad guys where kicked ass). And I think that the violence is okay for a war movie. War is evertime very brutal, so it's authentic when we see a lot of gore scenes. In Rambo is it a "little bit"...
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    The Official Nuclear Smiley!

    Maybe this one? { }0=|
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    Josan12's new Fallout 2 animations showcase

    Fantastic animations! Respect! :clap:
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    Fallouty looking phone(?) in Norway (4 pics)

    Pretty cool phone :)
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    Upload your Fan Art!

    Convert that images that you got into png oder jpeg files. Upload it under: Must work.
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    What's Your Favorite Drink?

    Non-alcoholic: Cola Light, Ice-Tea Alcoholic: Captian Morgan har har! Vodka (almost every brand) Strong polish beer, Cabs Energy (if Captian Morgan and Vodka is empty! :mrgreen: )
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Alex C feat. Yass - Tienes El Culo Mas Bello Del Mundo
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    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Well... there is a huge difference by supporting a team or talking crap... Supporting: "Noch ein Tor, Deutschland vor!" Talking crap: "We are the best, we will win this EURO, because wie will also win the Word Cup!" I wrote "traitor" with ---> " " <--- and postet it also with smileys: :P...
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    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Of course no :mrgreen: It's a fact that Germany is in the football history more successfully than Spain, but in that tournament played Spain better, also in the final. 10 years ago Germany had a weak team with old players... The most fans said: "I'm happy if our team can qualify for the...
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    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    Well I live in Germany, they play a good soccer, of course ... But the only thing that I want to say is: Gracias Torres! E viva España! :wink: The german fans had too much of optimism, and I hate that... Spain was in the final game much better, and won deserved. Thank you España...
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    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    If you "own" a team, you win 4:0 or 5:0... or even more... Poland isn't a good team, the lose in important games (look back to the last World Cups...) And Austria is not a strong team, when they winning, is it like a sensation ;) Poland was not good enough, and owning is something else...
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    UEFA Euro 2008 Thread

    That´s soccer man... In the first half the Austrian team was much better... result: goal for Poland. In the second half was poland much better, than penalty... 1:1 Soccer sucks... (Two good teams = The lucky one wins...) I hope Germany lose agains Austria, but this vision is just...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Looks like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat in Fallout! :lol: 9/10 *right click save*
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I am playing Star Wars: Empire At War incl. the add on "Forces Of Corruption" I am sure, every Star Wars fan will love that game, the ambience is great, and after 30min. study the gameplay, it is very easy to play. On "middle" or "difficult" the game is also strategical demanding.
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    Fallout Easter mod

    Hey guys, if your scared from that rabbit, shoot him down! It´s possible in our mod! :lol: But don´t stand to close to him in combat mode, otherwhise he will bite you! :P It´s a pity that I'm forget a bite animation for him... :wall:
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    Need For Speed: Prostreet is...

    I agree I disagree, the graphics are nice, and the physics are also allright, but the control of the cars is pretty shitty ;) yes... thats terrible -.- I agree! *headshot for 650HP for that guy, and the other moderators* They´re absolutly sucks, you got damn right! Nah, not really, but...