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  1. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    The Guy looks like a nice workaholic, +8 but the love to cigarettes reminds me on cancer... -5 = 3/10
  2. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    PC: C&C Tiberian Wars Kane Edition (play it since last week the first time, and it's much better than I thought) PS2: Smackdown Vs Raw 2008
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    Happy Holidays from Bethesda

    Hey, what´s wrong guys? Bethesda created two great pictures for us! :liar: Did really nobody likes that creative magical transparent ghost snowmen with human noses, eyebrows and no hat on the head!? :confused:
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Dion - Runaround Sue (1961)
  5. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    At the moment I play the new NFS ProStreet (PS2). I was very very enthused if I played the game on the first days. Now I´m disappointed from it: the balance sucks hard, Boring auto sculpt feature, the races are boring after a short while......... :roll: Well Carbon was much better, also...
  6. S

    Fallout & Conquer - Tiberian Apocalypse

    Thank's for your're comments, i'm glad that you like it. :D Got some other screens for you, not C&C, but FO in other games. Also include my brand new Fallout-Matrix wallpaper. Check it out: :wink:
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    Matrix-FO, GTA-FO, Splinter Cell-FO, and more... (pics only)

    Hi there! I've got some more funny pics for you. Not fatalities, but I think that they're also nice, hope you guys like it. Have fun! Grand Theft Pipboy Junktown City (GTA Vice City): (Cover) Grand Theft Pipboy New Reno (GTA San Andreas): (Cover) The Radioactive Man from...
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    Fallout Kombat 2

    @ Von Drunky: Uh... I watched that video. I'am glaud about that it is only black and white. :shock: Don´t like something like that on movies and of course not in the reality, like it only in games. :P But yes, it remember a little bit on that fatality from my, you're right.
  9. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 Retro is fantastic, and this one is great! :)
  10. S

    Fallout & Conquer - Tiberian Apocalypse

    Hi there, I have something interesting for you. I´ve created this screens few months ago for The idea was, what will happen if C&C - Tiberian Sun and Fallout 2 will be put into one game! Enjoy: This is the cover, and well... I know, it looks very funny (that wasn't my...
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    If you tolerate this, then your children might be next

    That someone is not an 'artist', it is a goddamn motherf*cker! Something like that has to be forbidden by law, WORLDWIDE... I would like to be also an "artist" like he, but only for one-time... I would like to look him up, waste the key and give him poisoned meal (of course he would know...
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    GTA vs RL

    Hey wow! there are more resemblances that I´ve belived! Well done KQX! :clap: When you plan to visit Las Vegas and San Francisco? :mrgreen:
  13. S

    Fallout Kombat 2

    Thanks for the nice feedback! :) @ Silencer: Nah, not really bored, but of course, a lot of people say this to me! :ugly: It´s just a hobby, I like to bring my fantasy to light! And graphics from Fallout are IMO very easy to edit. If you wish I can (try to) translate you some of them...
  14. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    You got right, it´s of course a copy with new features, but the most series of other games are not really better. It doesn´t matter if it´s Age Of Empires, C&C, GTA, ... It´s everytime the same, the difference is small. But it makes still fun if you like this genre. To Test Drive...
  15. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Nah, there are a lot worser racing games that I´ve played. ;) Carbon is at the moment my favourite, couse I like the handling, the canyon drift races, also normal drift, it´s much better than in UG or UG2. I´ve played Underground, UG2, Most Wanted 10 thousend times, Carbon is the next one...
  16. S

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Juiced 2 (PS2) and NFS Carbon (PC)... Juiced 2 borrowed from a friend, it´s not so good that I awaited, but not bad. NFS Carbon: Just love it! :D
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Konnichi-wa! :) I hear now: Shanadoo - Guilty Of Love Very romantic, and it´s japanese, IMO a very fascinating language!
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    Fallout Kombat 2

    ROFL! Pretty nice! :lol: Yeah, it´s on of 1000 opinions, :D I have some inspirations for you, made for a Charakter-Battle on FalloutNow!: Link to the tournament:,301.0.html Here are the fatalities: enjoy! :D (Most of them are in...
  19. S

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 I like this one, looks --> :twisted: <-- and remind me on Godzilla! :mrgreen:
  20. S

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello fellows! My name is Karol, :salute: I didn´t see that threat and was not very active here, shame on me! :hide: But that´s the reasons why I´am so late here... I was born in Poland, and l live since I´am 7 years old in Germany. It´s very funny to read news on NMA in three...