My friend and I did a jam, largely influenced by the images of Fallout2 and a bit of imagination (i want to explore the orbiting space station possibility). Hope some parts are enjoyable, it was definetly fun to make.
74 megabytes, 320kps
The reason I prefer isometric view over the fps is realism. WHAT? yes, i truly believe this. Theres very little realism in the fps camera and mouse driven look. It's like looking at the world through horse blinders. The environments are getting better and the graphics are lifelike, but your...
fallout is mother
fallout 2 is her big son,
the rest - imitate
ahh now theres a topic-
cracked egg shell here,
was that in my huge omelette?
I need to level
next - fallout script compiling
well I have to say this worked!
sucessfully edited scenery item name even after the editor said 'error saving prototype'. Weird 'cause the item name and description are written to the PRO_SCEN.MSG, MODINN.cfg and worldmap.dat and it works fine ingame!
here is to drinking out of toilets and balancing your health! in a game..
(don't forget to take a dump every once in a while...regularity gets you karma points)
Interesting questions and answers. Bring it!
wonder if they plan to include a great modding you CAN go and make more quests and npcs and towns if you want. It would be fantastic. I really really hope this game will be more polished than oblivion was out of the box. I walked...
ahh I was not aware StarTrekmmo is already being worked on -
some more imaginative possibilities:
What im thinking is perhaps more mobile phone games and mmos. Sure the mmo genre is getting a bit stale, the only way I can see to keep it alive is to make it...
loving this so far! The TeamX addons are really great.
I am very thankful this MegaMod is available. The extra locations, quests and even item crafting made fallout2 a joy to replay again.
Hope it gets more polish (not Polish :D) because the writing is great and the scripting is very...
great so far. wondering if its possible to make empty bottles in the inventory after drinking a beverege,
i'd like to add a random quote to the trappers in klamath mocking you with "You don't know how to skin a cat" since I forgot you need that skill before going in killing geckos (hopefully...