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  1. R

    Damn! A new X-COM gone gold and I didn't even know!

    you mean Rebelstar for GBA is the new xcom? wait you didn't know? Well install an emu its awesome!
  2. R

    Favorite Fallout Race

    the scorpions
  3. R

    So I'm hooked on WoW

    I couldnt stay away and had to say wow sux. Don't feel bad tho at least 4 million other ppl are clicking away with u. (3 million chinese) btw its on 10 day trial mode everyone who wants to be dissapointed, you can try it out for free (i think, maybe they want ur cc) lol^
  4. R

    Chrono Trigger- The best console RPG?

    at least there will be Mother 3 yayayayayyy Nichols lets hold hands dammit
  5. R

    What is included in the Fallout 1 Box?

    I had a jewel case one I got from the blackmarket in Moscow. Its also translated into russian with an attached essay on how hard it was to translate because the dudes who started to never finished. It's pretty funny and I can post this evil abomination here if you want to see..its gold! there...
  6. R

    Buying a game for Xbox

    roflmao who owned who?
  7. R

    Fable: The Lost Chapters

    *whimper* stop being mean!!!!
  8. R

    What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

    A copy of Brotherhood of Steel for Xbox or PS2. It could form a dark tentacle void that would corrupt minds of living things and they would slowly turn into overweight teenagers
  9. R

    Top 10 Dumb Things Bush Said in 2004

    "Brother Hood of Steel is a Fallout Adventure!"
  10. R

    10 best sci-fi/horror movies

    Ichi the Killer and Audition
  11. R

    Omega Project Announced

    classic eh? PFFFFFFT
  12. R

    Fallout 1/2 windowed mode possible?

    Just got this tool from Team X website today to run Arcanum and Torment in windowed mode. Fallout 2 works great too. To allow scrolling in Torment I had to check a box in the last tab of the settings. Anyway, awesome little tool to easily enjoy ultra shrunken 640x480 games!
  13. R

    Anarchy On-Line

    wow TR does look sweet! Like spaceguildwars?
  14. R

    Any games like Fallout?

    "Syndicate" is pretty good :> I guess thats not like fallout at all..But neither is Desert Law - Seems to be a post apocalyptic gang war strategy game? Anyway, heres a link to it and movie with dope music...
  15. R

    Oblivion gets competition... new Might and Magic game

    new trailer at gona take a peek this game looks great! I particularly liked a clip in the Gabe Newell interview movie where the player ran around the corner on a watch tower and froze the...
  16. R

    Who are the Japanese?

    we are all egyptians!
  17. R

    Porn makes you blind

    this isnt a link thread? :(
  18. R

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    too fuzzy! 7/10 for the lasers
  19. R

    MMORPG Killed The RPG Star

    Continue to pat yourselves on the back for such a great effort to create more subgenres of RPGs. RPG LITE? Dumbing Down RPGs? What exactly is it that makes an RPG good? Last time I checked was an awesome story and somewhat nonlinear gameplay? Am I missing some attraction to jogging around...
  20. R

    3D for Fallout 3!

    you oughta play some Fable joachim :D