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  1. T

    New premade chars

    Is it not an ability to create an new pre made char by making a whole new char and the save the sheet and replace it with the other .cfg (whathever) with the one you made and then just edit the BIO in notepad???
  2. T

    New premade chars

    Well keep the god work puffing. I´m shure that you can do it...
  3. T

    Kill frames

    Well thats to bad... Anyway, is there anyway to make a, say power fist throw a laser blast animation???
  4. T

    My little town needs simple script (Screenshots in here)

    No one is a grand master mapper. I learn something new everytime I start up the Mapper...
  5. T

    What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

    BG2´s starting area was REALY, REALY boring...
  6. T

    Kill frames

    Just posted to clarify things so that your not discussing an missunderstanding...
  7. T

    Kill frames

    Okay I´ll explain... Critter have 20\20 hp Weapon gives Critter 21 laser damage... Critter falls over in a pool of blood... Now I want Critter to slice up in half but he don´t do so. How do I tamper so that this happens???
  8. T

    What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

    And BORING... In my MOD I have a "Short cut" out...
  9. T

    Suggestions for FO3

    Hair color change! I would like to play the game as the red head V13 girl...
  10. T

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I snathed it from my freind... Well the got pissed of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... the 73:d time in a ROW that Mr. F fried his ass and trew it out the window... Later uppon returning home I saw it in the bin and took it home and loved it since then... p.s. I´m still freinds with him...
  11. T

    What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

    The one ting I hate with the games is the Arroyo Temple in F2 and the 150 day time limit in F1... I havent played F2 to the 13 year limit but what happens when you do???
  12. T

    Favorite Quote

    I the Gecko power plant talking to the Enclave gaurd via the comp: Hey, this can´t be right. I gott you somewhere on the mainland. *Reply* No I´m not. I´m sitting in the office across the hall. Ha made you look.
  13. T

    Kill frames

    How do you make a weapon like the laser allways show the cut-in-half frame when killed without setting 200+ damage to the weapon...
  14. T

    Editing npc in Fallout 1

    DatmanLight perhaps?
  15. T

    New premade chars

  16. T

    The basics of Script

    Okay, now I gotta go... Auf Winerschitsell
  17. T

    The basics of Script

    Thanks and I´ll try... *sight*
  18. T

    The basics of Script

    I know that but I don´t get it and my skull is to thick for me to teach my self.