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  1. T

    Ia Ia Cthuluh Fhtang my Brothers!

    What in the name of Aiur is this? The friggin war of the black lagune???
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    A new MOD

    I am making a MOD at home (as you know) but I have a little prob... 1. How to you make new critters that STAY in the mapper? I used FUCK to make the .pro file and the mapper to edit it but how do I convert the .txt into a .pro file 2. Likewise for items but I don´t use any ting but the...
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    A new MOD

    Hello all you men and women of NMA-Fallout... I am The Pastmaster and I am making a MOD that is due to finish in the next weeks and I was wondering if I could send it here for Upload when it is done?
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    John Wayne "points" to Cat's Paw

    A nother fun thing is that Fallout 2 is King Arthur crazy... 1. King Arthur Spesial Encounter #1 2. King Arthur Spesial Encounter #2 3. The Brige Keeper (From the Monthy Python Parody of King Arthur) 4. Arroyo (In the tale of King Arthur there is a forest that no knight can ride...
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    What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

    What I hated most is that the Bozar is a fucking BURST weapon, Argh... The Bozar is a Singel shot weapon not a BURST, *Growls*
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    Tierd of looking, Help me please!!!

    Okay I want to edit the item .pros for the containers so that they can hold more. Can ANYONE please post a step-by-step how to do this exactly A VERY, VERY easy step-by-step so it is not possible for me to NOT understand it. Please!!!
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    The Vault suits

    Or they wear a so called peniscup you know like the ones hockey players use...
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    unblocking hexes

    Well for me it works like this... 1, Toggel block object view 2, Look for the blockinghexes that I don´t want... 3, Press delet 4, And click on the Hex
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    Radiated areas

    True and it would be more fun...
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    Vault City

    Well can you sleep i the middle of the street in Washinton DC. It is a civilized place and if you can´t well that is your awnser, I civilized places you can´t sleep in the street...
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    Whaddya think?

    Well IMHO I think that the Lost Mines & Lost Temple ting sounds fun and playable...
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    I´m making a Storegyard but...

    I am The Pastmaster a member of the forum and I need help, I have made a map that works like a storegyard in the desert BUT I´m to lazy to make three tings... 1) A script that makes the "guards" say Hail to you Champion... 2) A script to make a shopkeeper that you can sell...