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  1. Jubal Quintus

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    The BoS has entire workshops and bays dedicated to PA repair from Fallout 1 all the way to Fallout 4. But feel free to ignore that, if you like.
  2. Jubal Quintus

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    I'm not sure why you feel the need to repeat a point you've already made, but since you are, I'll repeat the answer. LMGs are likely rare and given only to a few soldiers NOT because they are expensive in caps but because they are expensive in ammo. Cheers.
  3. Jubal Quintus

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    To address the LMG issue - if you issue a machine gun you have to also issue ammo for it. More machine guns = more ammo. Let's use the M-240B as an example of an average light/medium machine gun. The 240 fires 750-950 rounds per minute, depending on the mode of fire and the gas regulator...
  4. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    Airborne FEV was never the source of the dispute, it was whether or not it caused ghoulism. However, go ahead and strike that part and you still have organic components exposed to high levels of radiation which we know can straight up kill cells (that's why we use it for cancer treatments)...
  5. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    The basic model is largely made up of seeds and fertilizer/soil enhancements. So, if those organic components are exposed to high doses of radiation as well as ambient aerosolized you see where this is going?
  6. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    Yeah. Yeah, it is. Read the page. Just read the page.
  7. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    The Bakersfield GECK (a basic model) would be damaged by the radiation that flooded Vault 12, likely rendering it inert.
  8. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    There is absolutely nothing semantic about this. Human history is the story of the triumph of society and culture all of which is only made possible by human beings working together for the greater good. It starts with tribes and family groups and works up from there. Your fantasy about seeing...
  9. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    The trouble is, you aren't talking about human nature, you specifically said "human history." You chose your words, now you can either admit an error and recast the discussion about human nature or you can defend what you said. Human beings are animals and as such we absolutely have a...
  10. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    I'm not sure you're really reading what I'm saying. I'll do bullet points. - 1 - In Fallout 1 the Vaults are strictly big ass bomb shelters, nothing more or less. - 2 - Fallout 2 first introduces the idea of the Vaults also performing social experiments. - 3 - Fallout 3 goes full retard with...
  11. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    I like your wording here. To begin with, yes the Vaults absolutely were meant to save people. It wasn't until Fo2 that they started to retcon the vaults as some sort of social experiment thing and even then it was subtle. The Vaults would both save people and carry out little tests. It was...
  12. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    As an aside, I'd suggest actually reading some history because you cannot back this statement up, at all, with any sort of historical trend. In fact, human history as, repeatedly, shown the exact opposite to be true. Human beings are remarkable for their capacity for selflessness and...
  13. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    Well, next time I fire it up to screw with my Vault Workshop vault, I might go seek one out to see it. I rather liked the aesthetic choices they made for the vaults so it might be a nice bit of sight-seeing.
  14. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    I never made it to any of the vaults before I gave up on the game; are any of them even as large as the Fo3/NV vaults? V111 was ridiculous in it's tininess.
  15. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    I'm not sure which difficulty or mods you're using Greed, but I got storms roughly every 15-20 minutes (real time) that dosed me at 2-5 rads per strike unless I retreated into power armor for the duration. By the time the storm passes I'd have incurred roughly 20-40 rads if I didn't take shelter...
  16. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    I totally forgot about that place. Good call there. Greed, do you recall how every 15-20 minutes of gameplay a nasty radiation storm will blow up and super dose you with radiation every time lightning strikes? Yeah, pretty much all of Boston has severe radiation and Glowing Sea (a nice knock...
  17. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    The Glow was still irradiated in 2162, which is 85 years after the war. Boston was irradiated (severely) in 2287, which is 210 years after the war. In New Vegas, the only place to be severely irradiated was Vault 34, everything else was light to medium radiation or local radiation caused by...
  18. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4: The Nature of Generic Bad Dudes

    Greed, you selected a surface burst for your map but the mushroom cloud effect was an airburst (which all modern nuclear payloads are). What does the map look like with an airburst warhead? Also, have you taken into account that the map in the game is much smaller than the actual size of...
  19. Jubal Quintus

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    Regarding the NCR and it's vertibirds, I think it's safe to assume that the NCR had it's own little Operation Paperclip after it captured Navarro (Operation Binderclip?). Many people, especially people who weren't True Believers in the Enclave cause (which is most likely a bulk of them, as in...
  20. Jubal Quintus

    The world of Fallout: New Vegas makes sense

    One quick point, we (the players) know that the cannons in Caesar's camp don't work, but does the NCR know it? Military leaders often adopt cautious stances toward risk, unless they have overwhelming force. It is quite possible that the mere presence of cannons and the remote possibility of...