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  1. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    Honest Trailers has always sucked.
  2. Jubal Quintus

    J.E. Sawyer still talks about Fallout: New Vegas

    Exactly this. In the comic it's even shown and mentioned that once Benny gets out in the wastes again his facade cracks and the tribal starts showing again in how he acts and moves.
  3. Jubal Quintus

    General Draft in the New Vegas Timeline?

    As far as progression goes, it makes sense to see society evolve and grow as the timeline moves on. Were it up to me, new games wouldn't necessarily be set after the older games. The world is big enough to have stories that occur before and during (without dovetailing into the events of the...
  4. Jubal Quintus

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Also, the Prydwen in Fallout 4 is a direct reference to the airships in Tactics. At one point someone mentions how the Brotherhood used to have a fleet of them, but they believe that the last crashed out in the Midwest somewhere. So Tactics has been directly referenced in every Beth-Era game on...
  5. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4, All of my criticisms

    I have been having a very different experience playing through Fallout 4. I'm finding the game to be insanely Monty Haul, throwing ammo and weapons at me at every turn. One example is the Arcjet quest, by the time I finished that quest I had around 20 Institute laser weapons (mixed bag of...
  6. Jubal Quintus

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Gotcha. I didn't kill him until after the ambush. He made some crack like "no way they'll think I wasn't in on it, since I'm not laying here dead" so I cleared his name for him.
  7. Jubal Quintus

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    I'm terrible with names. Were you able to kill her before the barman approached her and taunted her? I definitely nailed her two solid times when she was seated but before the barman left combat mode and entered cutscene mode and it just showed the same tiny sliver of health on her bar.
  8. Jubal Quintus

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    With Fallout 4 it's possibly the worst it's ever been. You can now not kill certain enemies if there is a scripted sequence for them later on. In an example of this, I did a job for a bartender in Diamond City that had me go ambush a drug deal. I had him flank left and I went right to create...
  9. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4 music preview

    Also, to be as pedantic as possible, Brotherhood of Steel had an original song as well.
  10. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 4 music preview

    So I guess they are going to pretend that Josh Sawyer didn't write/co-write and perform four songs for New Vegas as well as ignoring the Begin Again song from the Dead Money DLC. The disregard that Bethsoft has for New Vegas is sickening.
  11. Jubal Quintus

    Wasteland 2 released!

    Criticism relies firstly on objective review, which you cannot provide. To criticize you have to first engage with the thing you are going to criticize on it's terms and with an objective eye. You do not like story based games and have no interest in them whatsoever yet you want us to listen...
  12. Jubal Quintus

    Wasteland 2 released!

    If it were obvious, you wouldn't be so generously gifting us with your input. If you don't like a thing and you avoid that thing then your criticism of that thing is worthless. If someone hates all Chinese food then no one in the world is going to be interested in their opinion of the new...
  13. Jubal Quintus

    Wasteland 2 released!

    Wasteland 2 is not a game for you then, since you don't like the kind of game that it is. It also sucks from an FPS player's perspective, I'd imagine. You have to judge the game on it's own terms, not on the terms of the game you wish it were. Books make terrible sandwiches, but I can't say a...
  14. Jubal Quintus

    Fallout 1/2 leave Steam, Bethesda working to get them back on it fast

    I'll miss the fanfare if I ever buy the Bethsoft versions, but that isn't likely. The original copies I own already will always be my go to versions.
  15. Jubal Quintus

    Wasteland 2 Screenshot: Lizards, lizards, lizards

    In the world that Gnarles Bronson lives in wolf packs only attack rabbits and do not ever take down cattle.
  16. Jubal Quintus

    Chris Avellone's Fallout 4 Wishlist

    I'm sorry, but comparing the Enclave to the Master is to compare the Master's Army at Mariposa to President Richardson. The mutant army was THE antagonistic force of Fallout, to say otherwise is to pretty much disregard Fallout for Fallout 2.
  17. Jubal Quintus

    Wasteland 2 - First Mark Morgan music sample

    I like it a lot. It certainly sounds similar to some of Fallout's tracks, which is to be expected from the same composer. It also reminds me a bit of Kurt Harland's work on the original Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Here's an example that sort of jumped out. There is another that I can't...
  18. Jubal Quintus

    Claim details from Bethesda vs Interplay

    I agree. Also, when does the court go on holiday? I am fairly sure there is no court at all next week, but this week I'm not certain.
  19. Jubal Quintus

    My Fallout Monopoly & Buying Nuka Cola

    If it were in a blue bottle, maybe.
  20. Jubal Quintus

    Hello, old friend

    Marcus looks great. It's also nice to see a more stooped and hunched supermutant. The one in the background looks to have that stance also. Very exciting.