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  1. M

    10 most diappointing games of this year

    I quite liked SoZ, its short dungeons, exploration, and loads of skill checks, still game felt more like a module then a expansion. The game felt like a refreshment after F3, funny thing is that even when Obsidian dont try to make a good story, dialogs and voice acting they still make it better...
  2. M

    The Future

    Iam not really afraid of shortage of resources, mankind will always adapt to its needs, just look at Soylent Green. Iam more afraid that soon we will live in dystopian society where Earth will be split in a few factions or united under one rule and ordinary people like me will be nothing more of...
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    I love Spirited Away but didnt like the ending, it was too happy for my taste, i expected happy ending but still i felt disappointed. Steamboy as you said was visually great but the plot and characters were a bit streched. Recently i watched Tekkon Kinkreet and to me its visually the most...
  4. M

    Evaluate your personality based on the "Fallout"-s

    ST 5 - just your average guy PE 4 - i wear glasses and iam also not too well aware of my surroundings, my head learned that on the hard way EN 2 - iam not in a best shape and i was recently in car accident, so doing any physical work is a bit tricky CH 6 - i got my moments and my mom...
  5. M

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Paradise Lost - I See Your Face
  6. M

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    no like 3/10
  7. M


    What are your favorite films, series, what did you watch recently which would you recommend, well anything about anime. My top 10 films: 1. Akira 2. Grave of Fireflies 3. Neo Tokyo...
  8. M

    post apocalyptic flicks?

    I love both of those movies, i saw them few years ago and they made a lasting impression on me. I would also recommend great tv movie Miracle Mile And documentary made from American government propaganda clips about nuclear weapons The Atomic...
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    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    Its just a little weird that a Fallout fan doesn't mind that a sequel completely changed well everything in comparison to the older games only leaving some cosmetic references to previous titles.
  10. M

    Dawn of War 2 peoples!

    I really hate Dark Crusade and what it did to balance, IG become pathetically weak, eldars were just too powerful since in multiplayer could not lose with them and I completely stoped playing with them, Necrons were a nightmare and Chaos were strengthened with invisibility for they chaos marines...
  11. M

    Other forums..... A croatian forum in which iam active Iam also active on Youtube on which i posted some hundred videos I almost every day visit RPGWatch, RPS, RPGCodex, NWNVault, Metacritic, IMDB, deviantART and of course several porn forums.
  12. M

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Paradise Lost - Enchantment
  13. M

    Impressions thread for negative impressions

    There is difference between loving a game and being a fan. There is a good example in Dungeon Keeper series. I love that game, replayed it dozen times and i consider it one of the best if not the best God game i ever played. But i dont consider myself a fan of the game. Recently a news came out...
  14. M

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    Lucky you for being easily entertained, to me subways were one of the most irritating parts of the game. Is similar situations In Oblivion (long pointless dungeon crawls) i would simply use invisibility spell and just run by the enemy. Too bad that F3 invisibility spell aka Stealth Boy is not...
  15. M

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Only way Fallout 3 will not be forgotten is by work of modders who could make this game actually playable but without mods this game would have been forgotten with a release of a shinier A title.
  16. M

    Dawn of War 2 peoples!

    Imperial Guards are my favorite faction and i hope that they will be made decently in DOW2 since i found that in Dark Crusade/Soulstorm IG were nerfed pretty badly mainly their artillery that was turned useless and with one unit limit for their elite troops.
  17. M

    Best Video Game Intro's(post comments and show videos)

    Intro from Battlespire the best TES game in my opinion Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal Intro, fun game with a great soundtrack, sound is a bit off in this clip but its still watchable MechWarrior 2...
  18. M

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just downloaded Restoration Project for KOTOR2 its still in beta but gonna try it anyway.
  19. M

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Infectious Grooves - Slo-Motion Slam