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  1. M

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    Did this mod die?
  2. M

    Newest sfall with ControlNPC support?

    Correct. That bug is inherent to the way this feature works. What I do is start combat and make sure that I put my "main" weapon for each party member into the second slot. Occasionally, it will get messed up, but it mostly works
  3. M

    Newest sfall with ControlNPC support?

    yeah, exactly ... copy into your fallout directory, overwriting the DLL already there (you might want to backup the dll first, in case things go wonky) I have made it to the Den, and so far, it works great.
  4. M

    Newest sfall with ControlNPC support?

    Yeah, that is where the rust is. I downloaded visual studio 2012, and compiled and got an error and gave up, since i just cant invest the time, sadly. EDIT: Ok, I actually seem to have gotten this to work... latest codebase from Sfall with the stripped down multiplayer.cpp for controlling...
  5. M

    Newest sfall with ControlNPC support?

    Hey, It seems that when Timeslip dropped multi-player in SFall v3, the ability to control NPCs in combat went with it. I tried to download teh sfall project and recompile, but being away from a compiler for 10 years has put too much rust on me, it seems. Can some helpful soul help me...
  6. M

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    From what I can see, and I could be wrong, it was a casualty of SFALL removing the multi-player capability.
  7. M

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    I don't understand what "AmmoMod.cpp +AmmoMod.h" means ...
  8. M

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Ok, it seems sfall v3.0.7 removed the control NPC ability, which is extremely sad. Will anything bad happen if I play RP2.2 with SFall v2.20?
  9. M

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Nirran, I don't think so... I have tried a few times. Clean install, MM244, HiRes and Books, and Iget a black screen on Silk's map. If I then install your weapon upgrade mod, then that map loads ok. Michi
  10. M

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Nirran, When I install your books mod, I get black screen on the bridge zone out of Arroyo, but it is fine if I install books + upgrade. michi
  11. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Maria not working In Navarro, I went to to Maria after getting the Vertibird to land. She is standing in the building with the cook, in the bunk area, not doing anything. When I try and talk to her I get floating text telling me "Not now, Honey" or that she is on inspection. Going down a...
  12. M

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    After installing your books mod, I saw that in megamod.ini and randomloot.ini there is a flag for custom books being installed. I assume I should set them both to 1? Also, something odd ... I opened a few containers in Klamath and the ones that are normally empty had combat leather armor in...
  13. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Ok, I assume the problem was that not everything in proto was read-only after installing Nirran's mod. But, now I have an odd problem. I have two copies of Fallout2+MM244+WR2.2+Nirran's mod+Hires They both work fine. But I can't copy saved games between them ... they crash on loading...
  14. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    What stupid thing am I doing? installed the MM on two different computers. On one of them, when I go south from where the Elder is, the map is all black... I see myself, but nothing else.. i can run around in the blackness. I must have done something dumb ... what was it?
  15. M

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Custom Books Nirran, I installed your custom Books mod and Weapon Upgrade mod on top of MM2.44 I tried to use an outdoorsman book and the guns book (both from Klamath) on me. In both I was given a message of a "-1" increase. I saw on my char sheet that my outdoorsman skill went from 22 to...
  16. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    :clap: AWESOME!!!! I can finally play! Saved/restored a buncha times in temple after killing stuff, and picking stuff up... Yes! Thank you! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  17. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Re: Vista problems still? Ah, right. I had forgotten that. Deleted in. Now made it into the temple. Fought the two ants. Quick Saved into a new save slot, and crashed on restore. Had this same problem in 2.43 with Vista 32 and Win7 64 .... doesn't happen with with Fallout2 stand alone...
  18. M

    Megamod 2.44 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Vista problems still? New laptop, running Vista 32 bit. Installed Fallout2, runs fine. Installed self-installer of 2.44 and when entering the temple get crash: The instruction at xxxxxxx referenced memory ay yyyyyy. The memory could not be read from. Anyone running the megamod...
  19. M

    Megamod 2.43 technical issues and suggestions

    Just curious if someone ever got the latest version to wok on Vista/Win7. A few of tried and got corrupted saves right at the beginning.
  20. M

    Megamod 2.43 technical issues and suggestions

    I have tried with numerous versions of sfall, from the version that comes with MM, to the latest... all have the same problem with MM2.4.3 I suspect some script is doing something odd.