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  1. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    And yet we see him flip-flop on everything, including the wall. Not to say Shillary isn't familiar with the chancla either, though. However, their actions, coupled with the public's opinion, lead towards warmonger escalation. But you never know, Trump or Hillary could both be cuddly little...
  2. Operation Wignut

    So has any good come from Fallout 4 in the modding community since launch?

    There isn't Frost, actually. It's still being developed and will probably be released near October or November of this year. Also, I would definitely argue Dust is "Fallout-worthy". Dust is the logical continuation of NV's story, and it does it really well. It uses the original worldspace to...
  3. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    Hillary, who already has said that she won't negotiate with Putin? Or Trump, who doesn't even know why we don't actually use nukes? Anti-Russia tension is very strong here, and it holds with it the connotation of freedom vs. tyranny. Some good ol' propaganda would stir all those angry little...
  4. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    If Putin was smart he'd be testing the waters much more carefully than he is. Annexing Crimea is a step from Cold War tensions.
  5. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    So like Trump then.
  6. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    Like Trump?
  7. Operation Wignut

    What games are we looking forward to?

    Battlefield 1, but if we're keeping it to RPGs, a new Rebuild game and expansions for Darkest Dungeon and NEO Scavenger. Rebuild is just fun as hell, even after grinding for hours on it. 3 is weaker than 2 but is stylistically much better, and the soundtrack is more on point. I hope they don't...
  8. Operation Wignut

    Best hobbies to pick up for the apocalypse?

    Thanks for the suggestion! Local Chapter of what?
  9. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    You could get rid of everyone else and then be the last person on earth and live out the rest of your life... Anyways, Trump is getting trounced on polls and someone scaled his tower! It seems like he's compensating with that thing. :wiggle:
  10. Operation Wignut

    Trump is winning

    Humans don't really matter that much anyways. We could just get rid of humans...
  11. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Well, what do you find more reasonable? I'd be fine with changing the qualifications. Edit: Yeah, it's a bad argument. I shouldn't have taken it and I readily admit that. Disregard it.
  12. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control Because mass shootings are hard to define, we can debate what constitutes a mass shooting, but that's what I used.
  13. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    just joshin ya bud! :wiggle:
  14. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    It's your decision, take ownership.
  15. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    No, you tried applying the equivalent population of Jamaica to the US.
  16. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Well, no. Actually that's completely wrong. Mass shooting deaths totalled 879 from 1966 to 2016. So the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which lasted less than 20 years, killed almost 8 times more people than random crazy guys with guns in a 50 year timespan. Then there's the fact that there's 316...
  17. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    It directly applies to the conversation at hand. If you don't like my argument, rebutt it. But don't tell me how to make my own points. Because if you look at it in context, it's completely different. If we take your argument, just base deaths against base deaths, Canada, The UK and Australia...
  18. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Look at per capita if you want to talk. 2,300 died in Afghanistan, 4,500 in Iraq and there was around 2.7 million people deployed in that area. 6,800/2,700,000 = 0.2% of all people deployed in that area died. 15,000/316,000,000 = 0.004% of all people in America died. Tell me why we should be...
  19. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    No it's not. The military is protected. They have a much lower rate of engagement and bullet-wound fatality rate than the general public. You're comparing people who wear soft fabrics to people who wear bulletproof vests. Of course people that don't wear protective gear are gonna die more, and...
  20. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    We've been working on car safety for decades and yet they kill tens of thousands of people every year anyways. We have hundreds of traffic laws on the books, cars are safer than they've ever been, and yet they are responsible for double the deaths. What do you propose we do to resolve THAT...