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  1. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Yep, my fault. My phrasing was sup-par. Although, that kind of fuels my point even more towards the reactionary nature of people perceived to be attacked by the government.
  2. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    What says 80% of people want to limit or repeal the 2nd Amendment? (Also, the process is much more complicated than Brexit. Only one Amendment has ever been repealed, the 18th Amendment. In order to propose an amendment for ratification, it must pass either through Congress with 2/3rds in...
  3. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Well, for all the speculation around it, the Civil War could have been settled VERY differently, especially with outside intervention. And it fits your criteria. A minority of the population fought the US Government over proposed legislation. Now, the situation in Brexit is very different. The...
  4. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    It's true. Let's not kid ourselves: when you are fighting a war with a guerilla army by using conventional ground infantry, you're bound to get obliterated. Funny thing is, the US did the very same thing against the British in the Revolutionary War, and the Union suffered from similar tactics...
  5. Operation Wignut

    What sort of fiction would you like to read?

    So you're saying you aren't good at writing romance?
  6. Operation Wignut

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7.5/10. Points for good, dusty acoustic guitar, but I personally don't enjoy the singing as much.
  7. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    But that's not the point. The point is, Bethesda tried to make Nuka-Cola INTO COLA-COLA and IS STILL TRYING TO. Why would they change the bottle shape to make it LESS like Coca-Cola? Again, there's no reason to change the design of it. The entire point of them changing the color was to make it...
  8. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    Not really. It's the escalation of military tech. Even though we have automated drones, missiles, tanks and all that, for the most part (globally) we fight wars with infantry. And infantry uses guns, for the most part. So weapon research is still looking into how guns can be better designed to...
  9. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    But, as I just pointed out, Bethesda is obviously focused on Nuka-Cola as an important in-game item, so much so one of their DLCs focuses on it. They tried to build lore around it, as well, and not COMPLETELY ignore pre-existing designs. And then they just completely redesign the bottle out of...
  10. Operation Wignut

    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    Well, if you played the first one, then odds are Diamond City is definitely gonna be filled with almost-unkillable enemies, and probably no unique NPCs. Also, if you're interested and haven't seen it:
  11. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    All toy guns with any kind of realism nowadays REQUIRE bright orange tips at the end of the barrel for exactly that reason. Possession of a toy gun without this very important modification is illegal. Now, the most notorious case recently of this type of incident was Tamir Rice. It could be...
  12. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    To be honest, I DID like the soda, I'm pretty sure. But Jones Soda is always good! Even Bethesda can't screw that up.
  13. Operation Wignut

    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    Nailed it on the head. Console mods will never be as good as PC mods because you cannot implement script extenders. My only hope for Fallout 4 was the fact that the incredible naugrim04 would be developing a "Fallout: Dust"-type mod, which, as a fan of the original, would have rekindled my...
  14. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    ...And they had another Nuka-Cola promo with Jones soda. Quantum, if I remember. It was after the announcement for FO4. Wow... "Bethesda receives yet another award this year, this time for being environmentally-friendly. To date, they have recycled over an entire franchise-worth of material!"
  15. Operation Wignut

    Gun Control

    The problem with gun laws is that we need a balance between readily controlling guns, and allowing the majority of the responsible population to own them. People should probably be screened before buying a gun, but actually implementing a screening process that works with both of the above...
  16. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    From the wikia: As far as the Pip-Boys go, as well as the entire mascot they erased... I, uh. I got nothin'.
  17. Operation Wignut

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Love this thread. After playing the first 2 games as a young teen, I abandoned 3 almost immediately after purchase and didn't pick up the series again until I heard great things about NV. Never realized there was still an active community supporting the originals, great to see. Anyways, I saw...