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  1. C

    Speculation Op-Ed: New Vegas and Tycho

    He was a companion you could recruit in Junktown.
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    New Vegas will be newsworthy tomorrow Bethesda has just opened the official New Vegas forums. The welcoming post seems to suggest there will be more news about New Vegas today:
  3. C

    Mass Effect 2

    About keeping Mordin alive: [spoiler:cbb9f99db3]I, too, kept losing Mordin (I probably had to upgrade the pistol to it's max stats) at the finale - for no particular reason, he just showed up dead in the very last escape scene. I hear that might also happen if you take too long with the end...
  4. C

    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    Mass Effect 2 is better than DA:O in almost every way. And I really didn't like the first Mass Effect. Then again, DA:O is a god damn snoozefest...
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    The Book of Eli in cinemas now

    No, I was just completely ignorant to this movie and haven't been following up on it. Glad to know it's not a spoiler. Nevermind that it is also just a name, but "Eli" means "My God" by the by. Jeez.
  6. C

    Swedish media at it again, senselessly condemning Israel

    I mean to say that Israel is on an almost exclusively reactive/defensive stance as far as this front goes.
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    The Book of Eli in cinemas now

    Good show, dude! But anyone can chop posts into little snippets to completely skew their meaning.
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    Swedish media at it again, senselessly condemning Israel

    What's always been beyond me is why Israel doesn't even try to put up a fight in the media war. When Palestinians, Islamists and other groups make a huge fuss of every other thing, there's nobody from that other side of the fence even trying to rebuke the claims - despite them being so often...
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    The Book of Eli in cinemas now

    It's rather asinine to think that's what this movie really sets out to do.
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    U.S Army Soldier of the Future - 1959

    Those look like standard military leather boots, used to this very day. The guy's just got a big shoe size, which often gives them a "clownish" look.
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    The Book of Eli in cinemas now

    Wow, lots of "omg bible it must suck!" posts here. Now mind you, I'm a cynical faithless jew, but guys-- ignorance goes both ways. The bible has a lot more going for it than televangelistic "do this or god will hate you!" rants. It wouldn't have gone down in tradition for 3000 years, otherwise.
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    The Book of Eli in cinemas now

    Oof, spoilers dude.
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    What game was this?

    Blade Runner, surely.
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    Moon Movie

    A good movie, albeit way too predictable.
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    Bethesda v. Interplay: Transcripts

    This sums it up perfectly.
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    What game was this?

    Could it be.. Laser Squad?! (G'damn, at least have the decency to change the filename!)
  17. C

    Rumor: Fallout: New Vegas features

    The better question is how you commit hara kiri with cyanide capsules. Must be damn sharp capsules.
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    88 year old ex-SS soldier charged with 3 wartime murders

    This thread ... is hysterical. And at the same time, very sad - sad in how some people try to dismiss the darkest chapter of human history so.
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    You see: A thread.

    Have you seen a middle-aged guy running about?
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    Mad Nation part 9

    I really liked the sniper, but good god, I'm sorry -- that girl's acting is... incredibly wooden.