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    How you play & Why ?

    You can take a buffout or two if you need to increase your max weight carry, then fast travel. The buffout will wear out immediately once you arrive, but you can travel anywhere this way. ...It used to be that you played the game because of the dialogue options and the compelling storyline...
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    How to prepare fugu for dummies!

    Why do you have to be virtually suicidal to be a "real man"?
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    Lame. Charisma used to be one of the coolest attributes: you get women to sleep with you, more ppl in your party, tons of dialogue options and checks. I wasted a ton of points in Charisma. I have had more speech checks for Strength than I've had for Charisma!
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    Specs for new weapons

    The plasma rifle I got from the android for not telling his secret is the best weapon I've found so far (I'm level 12). Amazingly, I fired it at a Yao Goi thingy -- one of those mutated bears -- just as it was leaping at me to attack and got a critical hit and blasted it out of sight into the...
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    Rock-It and baseballs

    What about darts? I always find packs of 20 of them but have never tried using them. Also, I wish someone would put together a list of all the schematics already so that I know what junk to pick up and what to leave. I just picked up an ink well! Wtf am I supposed to do with an ink well?
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    What to do with Harold?

    I accelerated his heart to make him spread across the countryside more rapidly. I don't know why, I'm just an environmentalist. I did get a pretty sweet hood and talisman. Make sure that you find the little nook in the underground area where someone had been living to get some useful junk.
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    Oil drop.

    Why have nuclear power at all if renewable energy can suffice?? It seems that everyone's nuclear arguments are contingent on the assumption that renewable energy is an untenable solution. I believe that renewable energy technology must be what saves us, but it has to be accompanied by...
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    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    I think Pope Viper is right on. I have no connection with my character. I started the game with a kind of trial-by-fire mentality. I wanted to build a charismatic ninja-esque character that specialized in unarmed or melee fighting. These were areas I felt less developed in FO1&2 and I wanted...
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    Random Encounters?

    In the DC area I ran into a wastelander woman who had been strapped with dynomite by raiders. My explosives, though at 45% w/ mentats and utility suit, was not high enough to save her. She went boom. Oh well. I've never been rewarded from any random encounter with anything more than a couple...
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    Rivet City Bow Section Question

    Pinkerton is invulnerable? Hey ya'll. When I found pinkerton in the hull, I decided to page through his copy of Dean's Electronics. The guy, like all other characters in this game, is very possessive of his belongings, and decided that a magazine was worth killing me over. So I duke it out...
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    Michael Crichton dies

    I hate to be the irreverent one, but the man was a whore. He wrote a The Lost World as a sequel to the MOVIE Jurassic Park, reviving characters that had died in the book -- namely Ian Malcom. He was also a global warming critic...
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    Are you having technical issues?

    Ok, well i updated my graphics driver and that solved nearly all of my problems. I crash MUCH less now. But still some crashes.
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    Oil drop.

    Why limit ourselves to just one kind of renewable energy. Different regions have greater abundance of different resources. You could do wind in Alaska, but not solar. Geothermal also is good. Hydroelectric though tends to be too ecologically disruptive.
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    This cat has been cloned to GLOW IN THE DARK

    Some guys just won the nobel prize probably for this same gene modification. They took dna from bioluminescent organisms and made it into a kind of DNA marker for cells so that scientists could easily find what they're looking for just by looking for the glowing shit. That's probably the...
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    Your desktop image.

    I've been experimenting with new desktop layouts and I like this one alot. I run winamp in it's really tiny mode at the bottom of the screen... wiki is a great source for wallpaper
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    Fallout 3 Power Armor

    Thanks for all the input, fellows. I am similarly frustrated by the fact that I need a perk to use the PA, but I see how it "fits" with the fallout 3 reality. Just wish there were some paper instructions I could snag in some town or off some person. [spoiler:d22e52b9e4]How I got it? Well in...
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    Fallout 3 Power Armor

    Hey I found some powerarmor [spoiler:87f3234a1c]on a brotherhood of steel paladin I met in that train station, [/spoiler:87f3234a1c]but it says I need instructions to use it. Anyone have any ideas on how I can get these? ...I wonder if that guy needed to be alive for the quest i was supposed...
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    Oil drop.

    Ah-Teen, I'm really far on the left in almost any argument. But the threat of nuclear terrorism IS actually real. I just got done reading the book "The Way of the World" by pulitzer prize winner Ron Suskind. He interviews at great length the head of WMD intelligence for the CIA who has worked...
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    Palin got a prank call

    I think this humiliating pranking needed to be done. Palin should get pied.
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    Oil drop.

    This is an old topic, but I'll just say this against nuclear plants. - Increases risk of terrorists acquiring highly enriched uranium for making bombs. I'm no fear-monger, but this is a very real threat, and it's bound to happen eventually if we don't protect our uranium. - The pollution...