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  1. B

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    I tried my best with the russian prose... i failed... I've read Soljenitsin and some Tolstoi. But when i tried War and Peace... oh man, i've started that three times, i mean... come on. I must have something wrong with my brain. Although their sci-fi rocks. Have you read some of that?
  2. B

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    If i were the US government i'd say, 10% of that data is fake, lies! But we won't tell which!
  3. B

    Once in 372 years!

    Twould be cool though. Maybe if we could get a second moon or something...
  4. B

    Once in 372 years!

    That's quite impossible.
  5. B

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    How can i trust that the information leaked by Wikileaks is true? What if in the thousands of pages of data, there are bits and pieces of well placed fakes?
  6. B

    Once in 372 years!

    Not visible from Romania. But i'll get the partial solar one on Jan 4th...
  7. B

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Is that the thing the guys in gunships see and know not to shoot you?
  8. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 just cause i really didn't appreaciate the game that much.
  9. B

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    I guess anonymous was cool when it started. I don't get what's the big problem, Assange didn't extract the data or hacked anything. So if the governments take care of their own whistleblowers, wikileaks would have nothing to leak. I mean come on, i'm waiting the day wikileaks would leak top...
  10. B

    3 Shots That Changed America

    But but, what about echos? Spasm from the gunshot? Eh? Eh?
  11. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Allrighty then, let's get this started. Since i haven't rated this avatar yet, i'll do it now. I'd give it a 9/10 because it's a cat. -1 for not being a pig. So... 8/10
  12. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Man, women used to have the weirdest makeup / hairdo in the 20s and 30s... 8/10? There's just three or four of us on this thread. What're we going to do? I propose that from now on we rate each other one point lower if we have to give each other marks for the same avatar (for example...
  13. B

    3 Shots That Changed America

    The usual deal: incompetence in security gets man/men killed, the US public thinks "well there MUST be a conspiracy here, how else could someone hit us so hard? We're invincible, right? RIGHT?!?"
  14. B

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Mmm... sammich/10 orr: There's nothing inside this tube thingie/10. Orrr....8/10 cause of the costume. -1 for not making sense to me.
  15. B


    I bought this by pure chance today. There was a guy in the street selling all kinds of all stuff. I like to check out what they have, although they sell it at outrageous prices... old compasses (my favourite), binoculars, old cameras, furniture etc. I saw this knife and asked how much it was...
  16. B

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    It's cheaper in Germany than it is in England. I want to study in Germany starting next year and i can't wait. I hope they don't increase taxes there too...
  17. B

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Yes, envy! In think if he was in the states they would've arrested him by now...
  18. B

    UK Tuition Fee Protests

    How come studies can be free in some countries? Like Denmark or whatever, and cost so much money in the States and UK? It can't be SO much better there, can it?
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    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Pfft. Weird. More charges for the same act? .. ok...
  20. B

    US slams 'criminals' behind WikiLeaks

    Yeah, but some woman says that she molestered her. So that counts. And i bet he got them into bed because he is the wikileaks guy. So scew him for that...