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    Brazilian UFO Sighting

    I've never seen a flying object i couldn't eventually identify... I'm disappointed. No paranormal/ufo like things ever happen to me. Would it be because i also am not in a hurry to believe those things?
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    Brazilian UFO Sighting

    Spirits of the dead! Or at least that's the explanation from 100 years ago. Now it's aliens. Tommorow who knows?
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Welcome back man. :crazy: Been a while.
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    No need to get defensive, i was asking more on the lines of Cam-elia? Cam-man? Cam-p David? Just a normal question. See ya on the threads :P
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    why not nuclear?

    Oh, i thought the point was to stop CO2 emissions.
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Cam? Cam from what?
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    By default i thought you were Carib. Then i saw the nickname. Welcome... or whatever.
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Too many text messages instead of grades are being put here/10. I'll rate the avatar beneath me instead: 6/10, nice try, that's an ugly face!
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    why not nuclear?

    Ethanol burning gives off CO2 and water. IF it burns completely. So what's so good about it?
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    why not nuclear?

    Yeah, but i didn't know what he wanted to say, and my first reply sounded like i was saying ethenol does not exist, i would've been wrong to assume that.
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    why not nuclear?

    For me it was a typo. And actually, i searched the web, and both ethanol and ethenol exist.
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    why not nuclear?

    Ethenol, alcohol, they're both liquids. They said the same thing about LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). If they want to take your money, they'll build it. With your money, of course, saying it is environmentally friendly thus receiving government money.
  13. B

    what was before the 50s ?

    Predictions from the past aren't worth a thing. Just thought i'd mention that.
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    why not nuclear?

    If by "ethenol" you mean ehtanol, than it is no biggie to have petrol stations with it everywhere. That stuff is just alcohol. Pure, alcohol. I once drank a shot of ethanol. It was horrible, but still. It can be supplied.
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I'm sorry, i don't watch Star Wars.
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    So, the mutant on the right... who does it belong to?
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    why not nuclear?

    It's cheap for some things, not cheap for others. It certainly has its uses, and i am sure we'll see more nuclear ships once we start running out of petrol.
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    why not nuclear?

    They could've done it already using medical nuclear material. Which poses the question, why haven't they?
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    what was before the 50s ?

    I will not enter that place. It will drag me down and i will never be the same again.
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    what was before the 50s ?

    Guess you didn't see the clip/picture with a steam powered was on some pornsite somewhere. This chick was having a really good time with it... Porn can be "applied" to anything that can store or play information. Steam power can't do that.