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  1. B

    2012 apocalypse!!!

    no i don't.
  2. B

    Condom of the future is here!

    Wikipedia War!!! An analog computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously-changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical,[1] mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved. In contrast, digital computers represent varying quantities...
  3. B

    Condom of the future is here!

    IS it analogue? I think it's still digital..
  4. B

    Condom of the future is here!

    You mean the Babbage machine? Made by Charles Babbage, the Englishman?
  5. B

    Condom of the future is here!

    Oookay... But seriously, look at the guys face... he's been playing too much by himself... with himself... There is nothing wrong with the condoms today... also, the machine to spray it on your dick doesn't fit in your back pocket.
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    Yeah, it's been like this since forever. Masses are stupid. Get over it. Now it's CNN, in the middle ages it was church. Grow a beard. Or just use a blade...
  7. B

    The Brahmin are here!

    It would be cool to see it all grown up.
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    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Yeah, i remember when i played it and it wasn't complete. Like jesus's foot came back... Eh, welcome anyway. :clap:
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    End of the world? Just imagine if tommorrow all the internets failed.
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    A Postapo Diploma Work (assistance appreciated:)

    Someone needs to learn what a synonym is...
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    i will not be satisfied unless some kind of vuvuzela porn comes along...
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    A Postapo Diploma Work (assistance appreciated:)

    I'm too drunk to answer but Doom is not synonimous to end. THere at least no. The others i can't understand as i am drunk.
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    Last book you bought

    Quantum Mechanics - Cohen Tannoudji. I need it for my god damned class or else i am afraid of failure... Payed 200 bucks for the damned things...
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    But couldn't one play it like a buegel? An orchestra of Vuvuzelas... playing the national anthem. Imagine that!
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    What gamblers?
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    This is just China awakening. No collapse... 8-)
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    Maybe one could make a "vulvuzela", a different version, to make the sounds in this very special occasion.
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    Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?

    Actual tests show that mammals that are getting too croweded experience a sharp drop in natality. So i wouldn't realy worry about that. What did he predict? 9.11? Ddn't WW2 also bring people together against the axis? 9.11 is not such a big deal for let's say. the Chinese... or the Russians...
  19. B

    Never mess witha Dutchie's laptop.

    Against tiny bullets...?
  20. B

    Never mess witha Dutchie's laptop.

    He's wearing a restraint vest? I don't think it's a bullet proof... i dunno...