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    Surprising Internet Porn Statistics

    It's just stupid that you don't use internet porn. Who needs mags anyway these days? And how old are you that some maid throws awy your stuff?
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    Surprising Internet Porn Statistics

    I remember i was in gimnasium (6-8th grade or something) we would put all our money together and send one of us (by drawing the shortest straw or something) to buy the mag. We usually got it too, no one asked any questions as long as you had the money (in those days, kids could buy cigarettes...
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Then we should be celebrated as heroes!! ============== :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: ==================
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    Surprising Internet Porn Statistics

    No it is not... However, i don't remember the days before the internet. How did i do it then? How did i manage with my imagination alone?... must have been horrible days.
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    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    HA!!! Exactly like i said!!!
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    Surprising Internet Porn Statistics

    I don't get it. If there are so many free porn sites, who the hell still pays for porn??
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    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    It's too viking metal to be true...
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    What Are Your Favorite Movies?

    That's it, i have to get to see Book of Eli somehow. If i find an english version of the movie here in naziland... Know that i know what the book is about, the whole movie won't be such a dissappointment: i can enjoy all the other parts of it without wondering about the end.
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    Dennis Hopper passed away

    Yeah... what are some new good actors? Can anyone think of one? I can't, but i'm a cave troll, trying to find older movies to watch all the time. So i may be missing something...
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    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Well, if we can post imaginary or not yet existing jobs, i'll switch from astronaut to ultimate space explorer. The captain of a interstellar/galactic ship. Startrek combined with Stargate combined with Battlestar Galactica with a dash of Starwars. But not Dune though... i loved the book but i'd...
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    Images from the eruption !

    Wasn't through an Icelandic volcano that Journey to the Center of the Earth was made? I mean in the book? If so, JV nailed it big time with Iceland and the volcanic activity...
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    Hey Carib, haven't seen you here in a while... Do you work on an mmo? Which one?
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    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    It might seem awesome now, but in the future it will be just as awesome as being the administrator of your building...
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    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Who cares? I gotta do it. It's in my genes.. :lol: Otherwise...?
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    Images from the eruption !

    It's teh titans trying to get out! We should seal them in with nukular weapons!
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    Dennis Hopper passed away

    Yep... it starts... over the next few years actors that we've seen in our generation will die one by one. For example, i checked out Sigourney Weaver, i remembered her from the Aliens series. Now she is old... very old compared to the image i had. So yeah, actors of our childhood will die...
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    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    There is a point: perpetuating your genes. That being said, becoming a proffesional sperm donor might do the trick. If one makes a business out of donating sperm in every country in the world, while remaining healthy and doing some sports, one may achieve what only Gighis Khan did so long...
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    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Like learn to take a joke man. I answered the question, now i was just wandering if some of the jobs here are even possible. I thought you meant like real dream jobs - that is super cool jobs that exist.
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    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    Fuck that... since when is the Planet a separate entity? And why should it be more important than humans? The Planet doesn't give a damn about humans. I agree we should preserve our planet, for the purpose of living on it. The only reason we preserve the planet and the environment is to...
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    I found the webcomics i had lost: Crimson dark... That's true, cause newspapers only make me angry... if there was a way to read webcomics like a newspaper...