Search results

  1. B

    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Half of what you guys posted falls in the category "if someone granted me a wish"...job... I am surprised that no one said yet that the dream job they'd like to get would be a Bjob.
  2. B


    Holy crap BN! That's a lot of comics. I've read these from time to time but not anymore... I actually like this new one: Romantically Apocaliptic or something, it's in my first post. It's done by a photographer guy using actors and then 2D and 3D modeling and texturing and whatever to...
  3. B

    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Space whores ftw! something like Total Recall...
  4. B


    What do you read? Cause i'm searching for something good, that is also non-anime in nature... What i've read so far: SMBC comics - some of the funnyest comics i've read Legostar Galactica PvP Order of the Stick The Noob comics Gone with the blastwave Roadwaffles Some post apoc...
  5. B

    All of a sudden you are offered the dream job of your choice

    Astronaut...wait, Cosmonaut. Yeah... go with the ruskies! I wanted that since i was a kid. Alas, as a future physicist this is what awaits me:
  6. B

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    That and the fact that it doesn't happen every day. You know that safety measures and procedures are put in place after an event takes place, that is what happens almost all the time. After this spill, the strategy will probably change, up until the next spill which will be totally different...
  7. B

    What Are Your Favorite Movies?

    Woaah, The Pacific, i totally forgot about it. I only saw the pilot and liked it a lot. I've also seen Band of Brothers, so this would be a natural continuation.
  8. B

    What Are Your Favorite Movies?

    It actually gave me a headache.
  9. B

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    Actually, saving money doesn't make the world more energy efficient or clean. Making less money would, because if you save money by driving a bike instead of a car, or insulating your home, you will spend it on something else, fueling an economy that is not really that eco friendly. The best...
  10. B

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Yeah, great, tell that to the people that live there. I would've been super greatfull if someone killed Ceausescu earlier, and liberate Romania from communism. Alas, it finally happened, 40 years too late. A democracy would never start a war with another democracy. It is as simple as that...
  11. B

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Actually it is a good question: If a neighbor beats his wife and threatens to kill his children, am i not allowed to break down his door and intervene? I am not only allowed, but in some countries required to do that. by law or by their own morals. So you tell me why shouldn't there be...
  12. B

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    Better yet, Nuke it... If that doesn't help... Nuke it again!
  13. B

    Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

    Just pour underwater drying concrete over it. OR a big slab of metal, not hollow metal, big slab of metal, a rectangular box, flatter on one side. Like a huge anvil.
  14. B

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    I think N Korea develops nuclear missiles just to keep its regime in power. They are not afraid of an invasion and they don't want to attack anyone. They fear that some day the people will take the power from them with or without outside help. Having nuclear weapons is a position of power...
  15. B

    Classified US military video depicting slaying of civilians

    Nuclear? None. Funny thing, i can ask you the same thing about China and Russia. What did they do in the last 50 years? Oh wait, killed tens of millions during their "peace". Better US war than Soviet peace i see..
  16. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Yeah, if the id's were made of steel.
  17. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Yeah, there it is pretty clear: it is either valid or invalid. I think the point would be to force you to change your ID once in a while, cause you may grow old or something. Instead of letting people choose when they think their face has chenged enough, they just found a reasonable time...
  18. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Now, you see, interpretation. Because if you kill someone to defend yourself, it is legal. But where does self defence start and ends? The law cannot know every possible situation, so it is left for a jury to decide if something was legal or not, the law cannot specify everything, and...
  19. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Yeah, but the verdicts are based upon the interpretation of the law. Not on the law itself. Why do you think people still go to court? If laws were so black and white and clear, all you'd need would be the police: we caught this guy doing this, the law says that, bam guilty or innocent, prison...
  20. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Nope... the law is never precise and black and white. If it were, we wouldn't need lawyers and judges...and laws wouldn't have to be updated from time to time.