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  1. B

    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Laws are never unambiguously. That's why we need lawyers and stuch...
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    When you call someone a Neanderthal...

    Yeah, how about the
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    Ronnie James Dio dead at 67

    yeah, i heard last night. RIP... Too bad i never got the chance to see him in concert...
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Nope, that would be the police, they enforce the law as it is written. Judges decide if what you did was or was not in accordance with the spirit of the law. Ok, i was thinking along the lines where one PROVES a law is not good or is phased out or something. In court.
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Yeah you do, if you prove the law is useless. Which is not the case here... but this is how i thought things are done in the us legal system. Laws arise from court decisions...? Would a store get fined for selling an expired product? Even it is one day over the limit and the product is...
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    Can someone explain this expired ID thing?

    Better yet, use your expired ID when the police asks for some identification. If they give you a fine sue them and win, thus making a law that expired IDs are still valid...
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    Plato's allegory of the cave realised in horrible fashion.

    Technology? I haven't said a thing about technology. When it comes to human rights though, we are far ahead of Asia or Africa. That's a fact. China and Japan are just as techonlogically advanced as we are. That's what's scary about China...
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    Plato's allegory of the cave realised in horrible fashion.

    Yeah, i remember the Greeks invented democracy... and it worked for them... like in the ancient times. It wasn't perfect then, but it was a beginning. Other countries followed too. Asians never expirienced democracy or something remotely similar...
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    Plato's allegory of the cave realised in horrible fashion.

    Yeah right. You know the population would fight to the death to defend him? Funny thing about democracy... it never works on asians. Unless you give them some 40kt of nuclear warheads...and they'll still make weird tv shows.
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    When you call someone a Neanderthal...

    They died because homo sapiens might have been more aggresive and violent. The guy with the biggest stick wins. Screw your pottery and potter's wheel, we've got sharp sticks!
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    When you call someone a Neanderthal...

    As far as i know Neanderthals had a bigger brain than Homo Sapiens. Thus they could've been smarter today, if they lived and evolved.
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    HA! I like it cause ther's lots of metal and rock concerts. I'm gonna go see ACDC and Doro. However, homework's killing me...
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    Homeless Man Bleeds to Death While People Watch

    Only if you're not carefull. I'd stop and think about it first. Once a guy was beating his wife while drunk. But it was only me and a friend on the street, it was night. The guy stopped when we yelled at him but the wife gave us the MEANEST look i've ever seen on a woman... we slowly walked...
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    Homeless Man Bleeds to Death While People Watch

    You have to realize of course that not all that it is wrtitten in newspapers is accurate. Maybe what happened was: drunk guy stabs drunk guy. He falls down, no one notices, someone -or the killer- takes a picture and doesn't see the blood. After that the reporters add the saved woman, and all...
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    Homeless Man Bleeds to Death While People Watch

    It's just crowd mentality. If one person witnessed this, or there was one person on the street stumbling upon the stabbed man, they would've helped: the blame rested on them alone. But in a crowd, blame and guilt are distributed, so everyone expets the other one to do something. It...
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    America proves itself to belong to the 3rd World. Again.

    Except for when they make headlines and are on the news all day.
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    America proves itself to belong to the 3rd World. Again.

    In the way that in the end one of the animal dies. Also, we have movies that show extreme violence towards men women and children. They are not banned...
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    America proves itself to belong to the 3rd World. Again.

    The fact that you wouldn't be able to differentiate between a book about a murder and a real murder is beyond me.
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    America proves itself to belong to the 3rd World. Again.

    Or for fun! We should ban that too! Cause some people might have fun at some animal's cruel experience! The matter is really simple: if you can show and sell videos of wild animals killing each other, why not of dogs too?