Search results

  1. Violator

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi. New here. Gonna stick around for a while. At least until the WW3 or something. I venerate Wasteland and adore Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. I wish that Van Buren and Fallout Tactics 2 were done right and released, but alas life sux. FalloutNOT3: Bethesda is pure bullshit and I'm...
  2. Violator

    They're made out of meat!

    Nice read, sounds like something that Daglas Adams would've wrote :) But who are the creatures doing the dialog? Machines? Si-based organisms? Crystalline creatures? Pure energy beings? Ethero Sapiens? Some known SF alien species? And was it from some story or fiction posted by a random...
  3. Violator

    The Colony

    Don't watch television dude. It's bad for your brain.
  4. Violator

    Srebrenica Genocide Anniversary

    On the contrary. The genocide itself and wars as such are probably the definite proof that your statement is wrong. And that the truth is quite opposite from your opinion. As for the victims, yes we should mourn them and their fate. No words will ever make the things right or get us back to...
  5. Violator

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Wow, lots of good books mentioned here and great read suggestions too. I like this thread=)) I myself am currently stuck in the realms of Zelazny reading the "Chronicles of Amber" (quite amazing how much this book reminds me of planescape: torment in some aspects; as if Avellone used it for a...
  6. Violator


    Your art is great patriot and as a Fallout Fanatic I appreciate your work very much as well as your effort to paint the post-apoc world of Fallout; but I still much are you familiar with the world and characters of the "Wasteland" game? Would you be interested in doing a pic...