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  1. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    While that junk looks good only on the commercials this looks the same way on the menu card and in the reality. While that McCrap stays crap no matter how much makeup they use. So, forget that junk and taste the heavens usafag or whateverfag you are.
  2. Violator

    Fallout Haiku

    [The grunting brahmin you can find in the Stables, with a 50 Micro Fusion Cell up its ass] Myron you sick perv My ass is not your playground Want to spew plasma next: Xarn set free
  3. Violator

    First Time You Played Fallout...

    Playing fallouts (F1 F2 FT) for about 8 years now. Found about the first two from a friend who introduced the game to me and started explaining how the 2 has the "take all" option unlike the 1; then he proceeded to slaughter some rats and giant ants simultaneously with alt+tab to show me how the...
  4. Violator

    Moon Movie

    Trailer good. Hope the movie will be good too.
  5. Violator


    11/10, props.
  6. Violator

    Since i played fallout and baldur'sgate ,most of gamesboreme

    Do not play FalloutNOT3. FalloutNOT3 is bad for your brain. Actually you don't want to play FalloutNOT3. You want to make a HtH character with high charisma and luck and replay both Fallout and Fallout 2. Go and do that right now. Would you kindly? :)
  7. Violator

    How to make a good hamburger?

    Well, personally I think that hamburgers suck. If you're thinking on McDonald's type hamburgers that is; they really suck :p And it's only because they are way to small! I mean, who can get fed up with one hamburger?! You need 5 of the damn things if you don't wanna get hungry in an hour or so...
  8. Violator

    Yo guys they're inventing rad-x

    I don't buy it. I want to see someone exposed to x3 lethal dose of radiation and if he survives by using that drug I may be inclined to become a bit less superstitious.
  9. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Not feeling funky today 5/10
  10. Violator

    Power armors suck for game balance

    My current char (ST9 PE1 EN10 CH1 IN9 AG10 LK1, small frame jinxed, melee/lockpick/speech) is a walking nuclear apocalypse that has taken the form of a sharpened spear and palm strike. Who needs guns? I massacred slavers without the help of the psycho on level 4 alone and had luck to stumble...
  11. Violator

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I do not own any guns but am a fan of weapons and weapon systems, and I hope that someday I'll be a proud owner of several R-36M Voyevoda missiles 8-)
  12. Violator

    Power armors suck for game balance

    The only thing that sux about PA is the fact that it is broken: why the hell my char with developed ST10 can't get the +4 bonus that the damned thing provides? Because the primary stats are capped at 10 and all of you people that like HtH can just go fuck themselves :p But anyway, why the...
  13. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hehehehe, are you paranoid or what? look out, the fucked up hair dude is out to get you, and he's gonna fuck up your hair when he does! :D for your sake I hope you have short haircut or you're probably freaking out every morning after you see your own reflection in the mirror :D Maybe this...
  14. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Hehe, smelly vagina alec :) wasn't aware of all that "eco-thing", tnx for the clarification. And of course I too like neverhood, so - 9/10.
  15. Violator

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    IIRC it's one of the pilots from "Renaissance, part 1" Animatrix story responsible for "destroying" the sky in Matrix setting. As for the av, 6/10. Abstract and intriguing yes, but I'm not that much into abstract art.
  16. Violator

    Most hated Fallout 1 or 2 character?

    FO1: Lynette's grand grandmother - the bitch is guilty for allowing that bitch to be born at all. FO2: Lynette FOT: Lynette's grandmother - ditto
  17. Violator

    Favorite weapon(s)

    Combat Knife, Ripper, Wakizashi, Mega Power Fist, Little Jesus, Super Sledge, in that exact order. HtH all the way. Previously those were Bozar and P94 Winchester Turbo Plasma Rifle (called shots). But now days I get around only to play brawlers/melee fighters, range combat bores me as hell.
  18. Violator

    Favorite Quote

    "Been there, done that, got the scars..." this one is priceless. Also the line that VD says after killing the deathclaw mother: "I killed them all. Even the damned eggs" (or something like that; can't quite remember if this is exactly what he said). and I must second this because it...
  19. Violator

    I hate "War Never Changes".

    The quote is not about war at all, because it isn't the war that never changes - because it does - the tools, means and rules of warfare are...evolving throughout our history at an exponential rate; this line is about us, humans. For me it describes the very essence of humanity: no matter...
  20. Violator

    Comics and graphic novels

    Well here are some of the favorites: I have an instant addiction for whatever comes out of the mind of Alejandro Jodorowsky - Inkal, Metabarons, Technopopes, I love them all. Herman is also great (Jeremiah) and adventures of Adler too (from Sterne). For some time I read "XII" and it wasn't...