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  1. the_cpl

    ☢ ATOM RPG ☢

    Ok, here is my take on it. I purchased the game and started playing. My character got bad skills and such, my fault for not looking up. (So my main character was blind as a bat...) Let's say the 1st run was more difficult than me playing it trough the 2nd time. The game has an extremely strong...
  2. the_cpl

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    I don't get the mass hating towards Moira. She is good looking, she is smart, she wants to do something for the community, she owns not only a house, but a store too. She is a respected member of a village. She is an inventor and can fix things. She is also a really nice and pleasant person...
  3. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Merry Christmas! Pew Pew Pew!
  4. the_cpl

    Video: Keep calm and shoot supermutants

    Is it roleplaying? Or art? Or what? I don't know, but I cosplayed and shot my guns. :-)
  5. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Selfdefense is number 1 reason. I got attacked many times back in Europe, so I got sick of that. Fortunately, no one attacked me, since I moved to the US. But just in case, I have a few firearms at home. Targetshooting at my backyard, making videos. It is fun. Sometimes my wife targetshoots with...
  6. the_cpl

    Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

    I missed it by 1 day. But if Wasteland 3 is going to be like Wasteland 2, then I'll happily pay for it.
  7. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

  8. the_cpl

    Weapons in Fallout 4?

    Yeah, I have a problem with the weapons. Most of them look junk. Some rusty pipes that I wouldn't even call guns. One thing I liked in Fallout Vegas, the AK-s, the M16 look rifles, the 1911s, etc. In Fallout 4, I found only 3 .44 revolver but that's it so far.
  9. the_cpl

    Your thoughts on Dogmeat

    Piper is more fun, I'm walking around with her.
  10. the_cpl

    Can we all agree Bethesda did power armor right?

    I liked the old one better. But I'm playing by wearing green Combat Armour anyways, so I don't care that much. :smile:
  11. the_cpl


    Just bought this one. :razz: Cold Steel - Fgx Cat Tanto Knife
  12. the_cpl

    Rank the DLC's

    I didn't like Dead Money. The purple smoke, the holograms, it was just annoying. I didn't like Honest Hearts. You get a couple travel buddies, but all of them get killed in the first couple seconds. It's nothing just walking around, there is nothing interesting in the desert, even if you find a...
  13. the_cpl

    Rate the DLC's

    The F1 and F2 had aliens, but in Mothership Zeta they pushed it way too far.
  14. the_cpl

    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    NCR is government"ish", so they have rules, they also pushing back the crime. BOS is similar, except with better technology and guns. The Legion crucifies random people, usually for no reason at all. Maybe you don't accept their leader, that's enough to get crucified. They are worse than the NCR...
  15. the_cpl

    Neo Nazis in Fallout

    I agree. They were fascists. Plus, you got commies as enemies (and for back story), which is more rare in games, so it's more unique. And hey, just visit Tenpenny's tower! If you talk with the locals there, I'm pretty sure you can catch some* racism in their wording about ghouls. :razz: *a lot
  16. the_cpl


    6 / 6 posts about tourism. lol
  17. the_cpl


    Merry Christmas to everybody! :cool:
  18. the_cpl


    Something I just got for 12 bucks. :newevil:
  19. the_cpl

    Jagged Alliance 2 is so hard

    I played through the JA2 a couple times. With normal and sci-fi mode too. I tried a mod -I forgot which one-, that was pretty hard. Only 2 of my 6 mercenaries had 1-1 tiny pistols, the rest of them got only box cutters and 1 knife, but like 15 enemies kept attacking the team with AK-47s...
  20. the_cpl

    Fallout 4 should be in Michigan Do you think it should be ?

    Parts of Detroit look so bad, you don't even need a computer or a gaming consol to play Fallout there. Empty homes with boarded-up windows, burned out houses, factory and office building ruins. I drove through a couple times, that place is scary. :nuclear: