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  1. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Yeah, I'm just a member of the arm chair special forces. lol My tacticoolness is below average right now. (But I'm working on it.) :lol: I shot like 200 rounds with my 2 rifles, I did hit the target, so I'm happy for the results. Next time - gets better. :)
  2. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Koraynovich Arms. (NoDak receiver, Bulgarian parts kit +922r parts.)
  3. the_cpl

    Total Recall remake

    The original is perfect. So a remake can be only worse than the original. It's about money, not about upgrading a story in a new movie. :(
  4. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have 4 firearms, but the AK is my favorite. :)
  5. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    First testshots with my AK-74 :lol:
  6. the_cpl

    Not Official Game Screenshots

    I don't know, but these pictures look awesome. 8-)
  7. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    AR Conversion kit I bought this week. :)
  8. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I agree. :shock:
  9. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I watch prepper videos on Youtube all the time, but they say nothing about "the end of the world". They keep repeating that non-sense only in that goofy "Doomsday Preppers" show on National Geographic. :| But the National Geographic is working hard to make people look retarded. That's why I...
  10. the_cpl

    Kickstarter for Battlechess started, Interplay

    $100.000? For chess? :shock:
  11. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Informative videos. :clap: I thought the .223 penetrates the walls easily.
  12. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Cool dog! 8-) I'm saving up for my 5th gun now. I want to build an AK-74 -I just need a parts kit and several r922 parts. :)
  13. the_cpl


    It IS accurate. Read this: The mafia in the U.S. was really strong, during the alcohol ban. (1919 to 1933) Someone should kick crmiminal orgs' ass now too, but the police is way...
  14. the_cpl

    Scariest nightmare you've ever had?

    A week ago I had a zombie dream. There was a black dirty rotting zombie dog, I kicked the dog down to the ground and opened and crashed his head with a steel pipe. It was really disgusting and disturbing. I don't know if I had that dream because the Walking Dead show, or it was only a side...
  15. the_cpl

    No more VATS

    VATS is good for Action-RPG-s, but not for 1st person shooters. I never used it in Fallout 3.
  16. the_cpl

    Fallout Lanius fan film announced

    A full movie, or just something 10-15 mins short one?
  17. the_cpl

    This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

    Even I have a bad feeling about this, and I don't even like Star Wars. :|
  18. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Sounds complicated. Actually I'm happy with my semi-auto AK-74, my semi-auto AR-15, my 1911 and my .357 Mag revolver. No classes, no ATF, nothing, just the usual NICS background check for the long guns and the purchase license+safety test+purchase permit combo for the hand guns. It's even...
  19. the_cpl

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    If it's made before 1986?
  20. the_cpl

    The Pic Thread

    TMNT everywhere.