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  1. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I just want to come out and say that you've all given me so much feedback, and I want to thank you for this. I'm getting a much better idea for the game play, as well as story and player choices. I hope you continue to do feedback because this will lead to a better script. My next question is...
  2. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    So how can FPS or FP perspective be made more compatible in your opinion, easier menus, the pipboy was horrible in F4.
  3. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    One thing I've been hearing as I've explored this site is that people keep keep saying that Fallout 3 and 4 lack RPG elements. This is a newbie question and I am aware of that, but what is the differences between RPG and Open World. Please do leave feed back.
  4. Fallout Guy117

    Is the T-60 really that bad?

    That is actually a really good idea, power armor is suppose to feel special. I loved how in Fallout 3 before the anchorage DLC, there is ony 1 suit of T-51B power armor.
  5. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Currently I'm working on the basics. The location has been chosen, I have a general over all idea of what the story will be. This game will have a mix of both city and open wasteland, a larger emphasis on the open wasteland, but the city playing a key role. in ratio aspects its 70 percent...
  6. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I agree with you, and I probably have been gong a bit overboard on new company's just out of curiosity, but I do want to dig a bit deeper on both the past world, and how it directly affects the post world. This including the how the location of plays a role into the story. Story comes first of...
  7. Fallout Guy117

    Is the T-60 really that bad?

    Great feedback, thank you!
  8. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    Probably turned every guitar string into a bow string to shoot arrows. (HAHAHA)
  9. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Here's an it resting question that I'd love to have some feedback on. We all know that there were giant corporations in the Fallout Universe. New Vegas did a good job with sunset sarsaparilla, and while not as deep as NV, Bethesda did show that there was some competition with Poseidon Energy...
  10. Fallout Guy117

    Is the T-60 really that bad?

    I've always wondered about other uses for power armor in the fallout universe, there is a mod that I downloaded for a construction power armor and it was done incredibly well. There's also a submersible model, but there is a lack of more civilian use. Although it could also be theorized that...
  11. Fallout Guy117

    Is the T-60 really that bad?

    Well what about the T-45, it fit into the lore nicely. As well as the MK-II advanced power armor. Although I wish the Hellfire armor was avalible. That was a pretty cool alternative look. I found this cool video that actually does explain the power cores and it is surprisingly accurate. It...
  12. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I see,mout shouldn't there still be a small trickle of the dark and whacky fallout famous humor?
  13. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    That is an excellent quote, thank you so much for a great bit off feed back. Make sure that the type of character, either it be a Pacifict character, or a moderate in many fields character both have equal representation. Very good bit of feed back, thank you!
  14. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Okay, so using things like the Red Sox stadium and that one Irish pub we're good starts, but needed more. Let's not also forget historical monuments, but maybe Boston famous singers would have helped. As well as more diverse and deeper choices.
  15. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Alright guys thank you for a great first day of feed back! I hope you can maybe get others to take a look and leave a commet of there own. Know i have another question to ask, in Fallout 4 Boston, as in the city itself had a personality about it. While you can always add more, do you think...
  16. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    This is all really great feedback, but what about the little things like weapons and armor, what kind if limitations in design or new designs should be explored. For example, I liked the assaultron, I think that the east coast was a bit more advanced in robotics because the east coast could...
  17. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I did enjoy New Vegas very much, the only issue was that it felt a bit empty scene wise, but made up for that with so many amazing creature variations and such.
  18. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    GREAT CHOICES! Thank you
  19. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    Great artists, perfect songs to fit in, and great feedback, thanks!
  20. Fallout Guy117

    What Kind of Music is FALLOUT missing.

    what kind of songs do you think fallout is missing? The limited time frame being from 1900-1969 ( when the 13 commonwealths were formed).