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  1. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    It's a piece of crap, but I feel bad for you, so I will send you $50 for it...
  2. D

    NFL 2012 !!

    Shouldn't you euroweenies be masturbating to soccer somewhere?
  3. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    It will not work. We have a stagnant economy and no amount of pumping toilet paper money into this economy will help. Wages are frozen or falling. Inflation hurts the poor and the middle class the hardest. Devaluation of debt helps out rich people. Ipso facto - QE3 will help the 1% and hurt...
  4. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Johnny gives some great advice. I'll add that is awesome - but would not use it as a first time seller. My advice: 1. Know what you have and what it's value is. 2. Know your local laws regarding firearm ownership and sales. As in, you can go to jail if you fuck this up...
  5. D

    So At My Work...

    More importantly, why are you so fucked up to have a gallbladder full of stones? Wtf have you been doing to yourself?
  6. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Sanders separate issues that have nothing to do with each other mysteriously have an unintended consequence of increasing everyone's burden to make ends meet. Note for ivory tower boy: most folks ends are not meeting, no matter what story you like to believe...
  7. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Sander wins the fail for not understanding that people currently can't afford the high cost of gas to get to the store where they can't afford food. This does not lead them to stand up and cheer about devalued debt. A huge fail also on not understanding that no incentive for investing...
  8. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    I'm no rocket surgeon, but it seems to me that less buying power and inflation go hand in hand. People are not earning less, their money is worth less due to inflation. Prices go up, because the value of the dollar is dropping. The value of the dollar is dropping, because the Fed is...
  9. D

    Secret of Prometheus

    I concur, Predators was pretty damn good, I enjoyed Prometheus and Terminator Salvation should be used as torture in Camp Gitmo on terrorists.
  10. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    The last two posts made me lol. Thanks guys!
  11. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Johnny - stop that. Seriously, my list of wants just tripled you heartless bastard. :crazy: I've decided to try another show, not this weekend, but the next in Hattiesburg. I've got the three rifles I didn't sell still available and the two pistols and some ammo I have for guns I no...
  12. D

    Secret of Prometheus

    It's time for your diaper change, see the nurses aid back in your ward.
  13. D

    Secret of Prometheus

    Dude, let it go already. --- Alsoplustoo - double post bitch!
  14. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Obama is a two-edged sword for gun show sales. Everybody wants to buy, but nobody has any money. Sales have not been brisk and the less expensive stuff is selling, just not as much going on as I had hoped. Maybe today will be a better sales day? --- Recap: Sold nine out of sixteen...
  15. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Double post! Ban his ass! :mrgreen: --- Well, this is the big weekend for me. I've rented a table at a gun show and I have 16 firearms I plan to sell, if good fortune is with me. Of course, it won't hurt that there will be a gun buying feeding frenzy of historic proportions this...
  16. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    *polite golf clap* Don't be redonkulous. Sander and Kharn will explain to you, with charts, graphs, and statistics that you really aren't seeing the prices for all your staples double while your paycheck gets smaller. Additionally, they'll explain why you'd be better off in this situation...
  17. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    In Sanders case, it's the same thing.
  18. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Can we just skip to killing all the politicians?
  19. D

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Yup, we are screwed. Of course, we would have been just as screwed with a Romney win. We are halfway down the slippery slope to Greece and our politicians will fiddle while we slide into free fall. Which is exactly what we deserve for having such a stupid electorate...
  20. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I'd love to get several NFA items, but I just can't work up the effort to go through all the bullshit hoops the government wants us to jump through and all the extra costs it involves. It grinds my ass what with the level of clear "infringement" of our rights that the government has pretty...