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    North Korea Invades the United States

    warheads dammit - farking word nazi
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    No, that's the current theme for how those sneaky koreans will launch an attack...
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    The North Koreans will launch 3 nuclear warheads on chinese rockets launched from 3 Iranian container ships flying the colors of Venezuela. The launch sites will be; San Francisco Harbour, Gulfport/Biloxi MS, and New York Harbour. Each ship will fire one missile 6 miles into the atmosphere...
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    It could totally happen. Saw 'Olympus has Fallen' this weekend. They predicted the NK attack. We should make a preemptive strike.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I'm still waiting on prices to drop...
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    A chance encounter between NMA'ers

    Well don't give up hope yet, you might get to meet kharn or suaside one day!
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    No. I don't know what you were reading but I was comparing two fanatical dictators who bluffed a lot... :|
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    There are more than enough clues...
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    Saddam learned that lesson the hard way. Sometimes posturing ends up with you at the end of a rope.
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    North Korea Invades the United States

    North Korea is the little ankle biter house pet dog that barks violently through the screen door, but runs like hell if you open the door.
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    Abandoned theme parks

    Working at the old six flags in new orleans now. It's extra creepy.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    No, jerking occurs to the left when shooting right handed because your trigger finger is pulling your hand inward.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    That is most likely you pulling the trigger too harshly. It should be a gentle squeeze as you exhale and firing the firearm right before you take your next breath.
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    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I hope it's good. Just got back from GIJOE II and man did it suck really bad. My sets looked great, but the movie sucks donkey cock. Worked on the underground prison, fort sumter, the cliff fight scene set, and the tokyo dojo. The dojo turned out really well.
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    Small question regarding the old 10mm pistol

    They cannot however, be self-loading from a magazine...
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    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny The sky tower from Oblivion. I worked six months on this set. It turned out pretty fucking awesome...
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    Small question regarding the old 10mm pistol

    That is an unworkable design in real life.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    This thread needs more pics of girls with guns.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Most folks in the gun community seem more upset that USFA has stopped making their very well done single action cowboy shooters to pursue the zip gun. *shrugs* I wasn't planning on buying either.