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  1. S

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    Who actually did his stuff after the initial hype was long gone. :grin: Yes it's about originality and personality on youtube. Only wanted to give a little tip and stuff to think about from my experience with youtube to Walpknut. Actually don't care that much to discuss this further.
  2. S

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    Which still won't help much to get exposure when you are competing with all the others which are on youtube at the same time. Better done after the first hype has settled.
  3. S

    Fallout 4 has now gone gold

    Cynical first reaction: So destroying your beloved franchise further simply because of earning money...? :) To be serious again there will be literally thousends Fallout 4 Lets Plays on youtube. Better do something more creative.
  4. S

    Leaked Fallout 4 Gamescom footage

    You don't know how random encounter work in FO3 I assume (there is a reason why I wrote special random encounter the better word would have been unique)? Again we don't know anything about this encounter yet and if it is a regular one, quest related, unique random encounter whatever...
  5. S

    Leaked Fallout 4 Gamescom footage

    Yeah we don't know anything about this encounter. So does it make sense to start a interpretation as you do here? Could be special random one if in the open, could be quest related... nothing is known. Except you know more then please tell us I am sure the whole community wants to know.
  6. S

    Leaked Fallout 4 Gamescom footage

    You do realize how the legendary feral roamer was made, right? Btw. Obsidian has several legendary creatures without explanaition in NV and I am overreacting in my previous posting for the comic effect it's not serious. Because simply seeing a creature named legendary in a leaked video without...
  7. S

    Leaked Fallout 4 Gamescom footage

    Yeah and even this Obsidian guys who brought in the Legendary concept in Fallout even with a Bloatfly can you imagine a B L O A T F L Y. Lower tier as the roamer also not a unique model btw. What is not to hate about these. We should really treat Obsidian the same doing so. It's terrible and...
  8. S

    Quakecon 2015: Fallout 4 details

    Sorry just stoping by (as expected from me) to congratulate you for another successfull Bethesda Fanboy hunt. Hope you will get a lot more trophies on your wall.
  9. S

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Not much of an idea how game and engine development works as it seems. Bethesda (the evil empire) uses their own engine which is constantly in development and changed. Contrary to a opinion that is often stated that Bethesda uses the same engine since Morrowind (the gamebryo myth) and Bethesdas...
  10. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Yeah I am the evil spoiled newbie child and Bethesda Fanboy that hates everyone at NMA. Well done, well done... I am glad that your world is still in order.
  11. S

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    Only discuss things that are negative and don't forget to call everyone out who doesn't have the Bethesda hate opinion. -NMA
  12. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Yeah never admit that you are wrong and that the animation is absolutely the same as all the drinking animations in the game :), jokes aren't allowed in this 100% serious game series as we know. (actually you can heal with this water if you really want to, so absolute no purpose except joke is...
  13. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Oh I mentioned you personally? I didn't made a snarky comment about Gizmo (as answer to his snarky comment) who admitted several times that he doesn't know actually what he criticises (and has excellent youtube LP knowledge, as he says here himself, that has to be respected).... I made a long...
  14. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Yeah Bethesda spent thousends of hours getting the toilett drink animation right and didn't use the the normal drinking one. It has cost them millions to get this as they wanted too. It was absolut essential to get it right. :razz: Sorry here you talk nonsens. It was a simple to setup joke...
  15. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Are you Gizmo? :) ( I was refering to some conversations we had in the past on other forums. But he isn't alone as I sadly recognized there.)
  16. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    Isn't it funny how some people who played the older games (even back then as they come out), still think that here you can find the most "close minded" "fans".
  17. S

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    You know the wrong modders. None of the TTW Team would say that for i.e.. I am part of it.
  18. S

    Things that Fallout 3 did right!

    Not true if you take the DLCs in account. You can get power armor training after finishing OA.