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  1. M

    how fev dipping works? and other fevy questions.

    i was recently developing tech tree for mutants and affiliated factions and i started to wonder. how dipping works? how fev works? Master took decades to master (i'm so funny) his dipping techniques. but how does it works? is it like fluid? water? will dipped creatures soak in the fev or...
  2. M

    Bethesda planning a survival overhaul. Has hell frozen over?

    sorry, missed that somehow.
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    Bethesda planning a survival overhaul. Has hell frozen over?

    question stands. for those who do not know, these are changes to survival basicaly illneses, immunity issues, basic needs, no regular saving, no fast travel and mor damage from both player and enemies.
  4. M

    possible alternative developments of societies (tribals, sects, ghouls, mutants)

    i have that already done. now im looking for something else. really, their current "countries" wont differ much from human ones, speaking about system of government.
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    possible alternative developments of societies (tribals, sects, ghouls, mutants)

    i ment like, some alternatives, other than in game.
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    possible alternative developments of societies (tribals, sects, ghouls, mutants)

    what about some form of ghoul "radicals"? seeing ghouls as next step in evolution, creating society around this idea? with their lifespan (is there actually some set lifespan of ghouls?) they could build static societies with "immortal" or at least very long living leaders. thus a nation would...
  7. M

    possible alternative developments of societies (tribals, sects, ghouls, mutants)

    With many new aspects of life (centuries long lifespan, extreme endurance against extreme conditions and so on) how could societies in fallout universe develop (not humans)? ghouls can live hundreds of years, they dont have to eat, live off radiation (or thats what i got from games) mutants are...
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    Navy in fallout

    probably. it was just to show that even such nation had several patrol boats that could make together atleast one units of 5-6 vessels. that could patrol waters 1-2km from shore. so it would make sense that NCR, biggest industrial and most populous nation around would field SOME navy, be it few...
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    Navy in fallout

    yea, but i was talking about possible navy in fallout, to support my claim, i mentioned that countries with also small population in our timeline can field navies, in some form. i wasnt exclusively talking about todays navies, i rather pointed at fact that all nations have navy in this or that...
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    Navy in fallout

    well. given size and population in fallout post apo around 2200, fleets of smaller vessels would make sense more than actual cruisers and whatnot
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    Navy in fallout

    id consider it navy in fallout universe where one guy can carry portable nuke launcher.
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    Navy in fallout

    why so hostile? is it navy force? it is. so what?
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    Navy in fallout

    they have coast guard.
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    Navy in fallout

    but it could exist. not in form of pure battle fleets if there is noone to put up a fight, but rather coast guard, with motorboats and few bigger vessels maybe?
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    Navy in fallout

    dont tell me that ncr doesnt utilize merchant fleet to transport stuff, its cheapest form of transportation. and such fleet needs protection, with ever present threat of raiders. otherwise piracy would thrive.
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    Navy in fallout

    all nations in our world regardless of size have navy if they have sea. even shitty czech republic had considerable river based navy until it got disbanded sometimes durning 1995
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    Navy in fallout

    what do you think would navy look like in fallout? would ships with sails exist? all industry was destroyed, or neglected for very long time. would ships evolve again as they did in our timeline? first were man propelled ships, thats out of question due to low population. but other, sail based...
  18. M

    possibly real and effective weapons and strategies that were unexplored in real world

    the mythbusters actually looked in that pykrete ship and it actually worked. if it was in cold enough weather it could work. goloath is too pretty interesting thing. controlled by wire combat drone. but real life effectiveness was questionable since wire could be cut by bullets. but it was...