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  1. M

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    well, if oil was 100$ dollars eco fuels were on steep rise. imagine if it was 500$, its would be hella important. but still. tech didnt advanced to same levels as we have today. and so vertis were on micros? seems weird as in FNV that you guys consider canon is verti refueling station. so there...
  2. M

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    yea. i was looking into renewable fuels and came over sustainable plane fuels that are aparently in production since like 2007, so it can be plant based? because really, there must have been some facility making fuel, because no fuel can stick around for 100-200 years. vertis blow up differently...
  3. M

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    cmon people. i dont want to pull new shit out of my ass. we have seen in tactics that BoS had airships AND planes with piston based properels, what seemed to look like ww2 planes. i need answers or i will just comeup with some mumbo jumbo.
  4. M

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    in fallout we see many planes. crashed or just left alone like in F:NV. i am interested in how they are propelled, what type of engine they use, how effective it is and so on. and whats with vertibirds. are they like V-22 osprey? and all above questions. and fuel. what type of fuel all these...
  5. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    who were they?
  6. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    yea. i get you. i probably do write things in manner not understandable by other people (and the grammar, i know), as it came up later in discussion, and i even misunderstood OP here, as i admitted and apologized. and yea, i am passive agressive bunch. been my whole life, sorry for coming out...
  7. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    all that text and for nothing :) read whole discussion next time. will save you time.
  8. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    yea, i guess you are right on that. shouldnt start this discussion.
  9. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    i didnt talk about beth putting bandaid on their shitty mechanics. thing is. 100 people testing so big game is utterly small number. and maybe they really intended preston to be like that. and now they want to save their ass. OR it was supposed to be in some other manner. but someone rushed the...
  10. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    soooo. what? what do you refer to? cant find much connected stuff. just definition of testing.
  11. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    so games are to be called alpha/beta versions if they have bugs? asking if i didnt interpret it incorrectly.
  12. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    suuure mate. definitely dont know how bugs work. totally. read up on what "shoe" said.
  13. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    actually, not possible as of now. there are as of now. 2 semi-quests. modded. also, speak with any big mod developer. they will tell you how hard it is to make even semi decent big mod. "moonpath" for skyrim for example.
  14. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    ahh. i got you wrong there. sorry for that. yea, some bug fixes looks like bandages for bad decisions. they atleast look like that. i speak of inevitable bugs. FNV for me crashed 4 times, vannila, and about unknown times modded. f4 didnt crashed single time. people seems to forget how bad it was...
  15. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    ever played around with geck or creation kit? ever made scripts? try it. its hard to make it bug proof.
  16. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    how is statement that so complex game as f4 will have bugs, and that there is literary nothing in real world to prevent it?
  17. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    i noticed few bugs here and there. if you did read my posts, which you claimed you did, you would see that i wrote several bug reports to beth. and i agree. beth have reputation for buggy games. then again, their complexiticy leaves them vulneable to bugs. more than pretty much all other types...
  18. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    yea.. how dare i have different opinion. i see pattern here. do i insult you? do i make fun of you for not liking f4? or for playing older games, or isometric ones? do i insult any of you? no. never did. yet you insult me on regular basis. whats with you people? (reffering to people i talked...
  19. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    sigh. do i explain to you how things work again? bugs are individual for all systems. and for so complex game as is this, bug are inevitable. still its much much better than with f3 and slightly better than with fnv, bugwise. and why is that i cant enjoy 2 different things?
  20. M

    Update 1.3 Lies

    so because i enjoy f4, i cant enjoy other games? oh. ok. never new that. gonna throw f1 f2 out of the window now. and wasteland too. and underrail too for that matter. because i aparently cant like both. good to know.