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  1. M

    what government types are in fallout anyway?

    nice! thanks. do you know hearts of iron 3? paradox game? what do you think about fallout mod for it?
  2. M

    what government types are in fallout anyway?

    what about institute/slaver groups/minutemen etc?
  3. M

    what government types are in fallout anyway?

    what about institute or provisional government of commonwhealth/minutemen? also, what other factions can you think of? anything will help me in my modding
  4. M

    What materials are weapons made of in Fallout?

    they could recyclate? remember, you see plastic waste 200 years in the future. and many weapons have alot of plastic stuffs. hell, the institute weapons are almost whole from some sort of plastic. also, if you look outside you can find whole mountains of plastic waste around, in dumps and such...
  5. M

    what government types are in fallout anyway?

    i mean, all factions need to have something resembling government, but games really dont give a damn about explaining it all that well. for some factions atleast. like BoS, Enclave, NCR, Legion, Raiders, Institute, Provisional Government of Commonwhealth, Remnants of Masters army, Vault 87...