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  1. H

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    He is on IMDb to be playing Max Rockatansky. I think Mad Max will be a really good movie they just might not have a huge following. Something like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, which is a movie a lot of people enjoyed and had mild success. It won't be a failure but it won't be a blockbuster...
  2. H

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Mad Max should be awesome. Tom Hardy will be really good I think. He is only really known for Inception and that one Romance he was in as a spy. I am sure he will get more roles now that directors saw him in Batman.
  3. H

    Dust Devil OOC

    I would too if it isn't dead.
  4. H

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Yeah I was pretty surprised he was that big in the movie. I remember looking up his workout routine, and I learned most of it was post filming effects. There was also an article with a rumor that he tried to use steroids, but they didn't work resulting in the acne on his back. Although, if you...
  5. H

    Signature Weapon

    Not only is it awesome but the Anti-Material Rifle was the in the early trailers with the NCR Ranger, I think its the best weapon in the game especially modded.
  6. H

    Feral Ghoul Reavers

    I hate reavers, I think they are just the main challenge for characters on a higher level. It's like coming across a Death Claw when you're only level 15-20, they are a pain in the ass but eventually die.
  7. H

    Fallout 4 beginning

    What if it wasn't before the war or anything, but you were the first vault to open? I think it could be cool but there might not be any factions which would be a problem. So, it might be best just to do a new location and the same old kinda story, the beginning would be hard to do though because...
  8. H

    Fallout- Old Glory OOC

    Edited Version Name: Hans Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: Human Occupation: Thief/Wanderer Eyes: Look Black Hair: Dark Buzz Cut w/ Light Beard Height: 5'11" Weight: 165 lb Very Fit Complexion: Caucasian Voice: Hard as nails tough guy Bio: Born and raised in Utah...
  9. H

    Signature Weapon

    Anti Material Rifle, I can hit enemies from a distance, and do even more damage up close.
  10. H

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I liked batman mainly just for Tom Hardy as Bane. I thought he was pretty cool and even somewhat like-able. My friend and I couldn't help but laugh at the cheesyness of parts such as "We need a hero. We need...Batman." I would say the movie was still better than the first, but still not quite as...
  11. H

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Helllooo, my name is Hans Omega, Hans is my real name. I am a big fan of the fallout series but have only played the third, and New Vegas(my favorite). The first time I played Fallout was Fallout 3 in 2010, I had just bought a ps3 and a few games and I threw Fallout on top, I went home started...
  12. H

    Fallout- Old Glory OOC

    I was looking to get in on this since its the only Role Playing board left. I guess I will post my Character now so you guys can see. Name: Hans Age: 38 Gender: Male Race: Human Occupation: Thief/Wanderer Eyes: Look Black Hair: Dark Buzz Cut Height: 5'11"...
  13. H

    Fallout Europe?

    I think that Holland could be cool. Old Windmills and tulip fields, a lot of Dutch people know english too. The city has very interesting architecture that would be cool in an apocalypse, and you could take boat rides down the canals.
  14. H

    Location Idea for future games- 224 year old general store

    Maybe just New England as a whole. You would get Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire. It sounds big, but New Vegas had a huge map with DLCs and small parts of the main game in other states, and I still wanted more! Think about scavenging through maple forests finding old shacks, cabins...
  15. H

    Roleplay Hello thread

    Hello I am Hans Omega, I am part of the end. I am a sneaky, smart, friendly guy, but you don't want to have to deal with my bad side. I do good and bad but overall, I know this world needs me and everything I do is part of it.