He is on IMDb to be playing Max Rockatansky. I think Mad Max will be a really good movie they just might not have a huge following. Something like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, which is a movie a lot of people enjoyed and had mild success. It won't be a failure but it won't be a blockbuster...
Mad Max should be awesome. Tom Hardy will be really good I think. He is only really known for Inception and that one Romance he was in as a spy. I am sure he will get more roles now that directors saw him in Batman.
Yeah I was pretty surprised he was that big in the movie. I remember looking up his workout routine, and I learned most of it was post filming effects. There was also an article with a rumor that he tried to use steroids, but they didn't work resulting in the acne on his back. Although, if you...
Not only is it awesome but the Anti-Material Rifle was the in the early trailers with the NCR Ranger, I think its the best weapon in the game especially modded.
I hate reavers, I think they are just the main challenge for characters on a higher level. It's like coming across a Death Claw when you're only level 15-20, they are a pain in the ass but eventually die.
What if it wasn't before the war or anything, but you were the first vault to open? I think it could be cool but there might not be any factions which would be a problem. So, it might be best just to do a new location and the same old kinda story, the beginning would be hard to do though because...
Edited Version
Name: Hans
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Thief/Wanderer
Eyes: Look Black
Hair: Dark Buzz Cut w/ Light Beard
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lb Very Fit
Complexion: Caucasian
Voice: Hard as nails tough guy
Bio: Born and raised in Utah...
I liked batman mainly just for Tom Hardy as Bane. I thought he was pretty cool and even somewhat like-able. My friend and I couldn't help but laugh at the cheesyness of parts such as "We need a hero. We need...Batman." I would say the movie was still better than the first, but still not quite as...
Helllooo, my name is Hans Omega, Hans is my real name. I am a big fan of the fallout series but have only played the third, and New Vegas(my favorite). The first time I played Fallout was Fallout 3 in 2010, I had just bought a ps3 and a few games and I threw Fallout on top, I went home started...
I was looking to get in on this since its the only Role Playing board left. I guess I will post my Character now so you guys can see.
Name: Hans
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Thief/Wanderer
Eyes: Look Black
Hair: Dark Buzz Cut
Height: 5'11"...
I think that Holland could be cool. Old Windmills and tulip fields, a lot of Dutch people know english too. The city has very interesting architecture that would be cool in an apocalypse, and you could take boat rides down the canals.
Maybe just New England as a whole. You would get Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire. It sounds big, but New Vegas had a huge map with DLCs and small parts of the main game in other states, and I still wanted more! Think about scavenging through maple forests finding old shacks, cabins...
Hello I am Hans Omega, I am part of the end. I am a sneaky, smart, friendly guy, but you don't want to have to deal with my bad side. I do good and bad but overall, I know this world needs me and everything I do is part of it.