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  1. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Thank you as well! Nowadays, I need motivation to keep up the work :p I would like to ask someone nice and creative to invent a short description for the Punk Girl style. You know, the Default Girl has this: "Unlike most of your fellow tribeswomen, who wear their long hair in a ponytail...
  2. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Small update: Default Girl placed to compare the skin tone. Punk looks good IMO.
  3. Geras

    New animations 2

    Yeah, it works fine with only 1 file instead of 6 separate ones.
  4. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Pistol set finished.
  5. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    I now announce the leather jacket set finished :) :drunk: 8-)
  6. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    two more animations to go and leather jacket is finished ;)
  7. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    sure: It played once and stopped.
  8. Geras

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    IMO it should also use a separate firing pin for each barrel.
  9. Geras

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    Awsome job made with the assault rifles, I like them a lot! Especially the short version and the round magazine :clap:
  10. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    For all my previous .gifs I used imgur, but recently it fails to upload my files, so I started to use If the site is not in english for you then check 'seria obrazow' for multiple images, 'obraz' for single image, 'przeszukaj...' for browse for files and 'wyslij!' for...
  11. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    a small update:
  12. Geras

    Aligning FRM animations ingame

    What I do is I always use the project .fpr file of the old animation with all the offsets written down there and I just overwrite the old frames with new frames while animating. If it is necessary to enlarge or crop a frame by a few pixels vertically or horizontally to make a hero fit in the...
  13. Geras

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Check out this thread:
  14. Geras

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    For the last three months I was busy doing some basic military training at the Navy, but still some progress was made :)
  15. Geras

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    I like the flower idea as well.
  16. Geras

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    I've found a missing blocker under a locker in Broken Hills. You can stand on the tile and hide your character in the locker :) screen
  17. Geras

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Well, I did try to sell some upgraded (by Algernon) weapons AND the geiger counter from Vault City itself (taken from locked locker). Maybe that's the geiger counter that causes the problem? Eldridge actually made a deal with me when I did not offer the counter and weapons. Strange. And thanks...